Health, Human Performance and Recreation (HHPR)

Michelle Gray
Department Head
306 HPER Building

Luzita Vela
Graduate Coordinator
(479) 575-5203

Health, Human Performance and Recreation website

Degrees Conferred:
M.AT. in Athletic Training (ATTR)
M.Ed. in Physical Education (PHED)
M.Ed. in Recreation and Sport Management (RESM)
M.P.H. in Public Health (PBHL)
M.S. in Exercise Science (EXSC)
Ph.D. in Health, Sport and Exercise Science (HSES)

Primary Areas of Faculty Research: Please see individual faculty bios for specific research interests.

Exercise Science Courses

EXSC 50203. Advanced Teaching in Exercise Science. 3 Hours.

Examination and practical exposure to the principles and practices of undergraduate teaching in exercise science. Includes course planning, teaching techniques, assessment strategies, and supervised practice. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.

EXSC 51403. Pediatric Exercise Science. 3 Hours.

This course explores exercise and physical activity in children and adolescents. Students will survey the anatomical, physiological and psychosocial issues related to exercise and physical activity in children such as effects of maturation, growth and puberty on the fitness components (body composition, cardiorespiratory endurance, muscle strength, muscle endurance and flexibility), normal responses to exercise, and adaptations of exercise training in healthy and clinical pediatric populations. The course will include a discussion of national physical activity recommendations and the local and national policies and programs to promote physical activity in diverse youth populations. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Irregular)

EXSC 53203. Biomechanics I. 3 Hours.

Intended to serve as in introduction to biomechanics and focuses on scientific principles involved in understanding and analyzing human motion. (Typically offered: Fall)

EXSC 53303. Instrumentation in Biomechanics. 3 Hours.

The application of knowledge and skills necessary for data collection for sports analysis. Provides valuable information on instrumentation used specifically in biomechanics. Prerequisite: EXSC 53203. (Typically offered: Irregular)

EXSC 53503. Exercise Psychology. 3 Hours.

Exercise Psychology is a lecture and discussion format for students interested in learning about theoretical and research information related to exercise adherence. (Typically offered: Fall)

EXSC 54503. Physical Activity and Health. 3 Hours.

The course is designed to give graduate students from a variety of disciplines a broad introduction to the role of physical activity and how it affects the public's health across the lifespan. Throughout the semester, we will cover topics such as the current recommendations for physical activity, the beneficial effects of physical activity on various health-related outcomes, determinants of physical activity, how to measure physical activity at both the individual and population levels, and strategies used to promote physical activity. Graduate students within all areas of exercise science, public health and disciplines outside of public health (e.g., education, healthcare, social work, and psychology) could benefit from this course at the Masters or Doctoral level. Students will complete a physical activity research project in their field of study and review both historical and current literature. (Typically offered: Irregular)

EXSC 54603. Promoting Physical Activity in the Community. 3 Hours.

This course will give students in the area of public health or physical activity the opportunity to survey community physical activity interventions in diverse settings and populations (i.e. workplaces, schools, urban planning, children). The course will examine evidence-based strategies to promote physical activity, and students will apply program planning and physical activity evaluation skills in the field of physical activity. (Typically offered: Fall)

EXSC 55103. Physiology Exercise I. 3 Hours.

A study of the foundation literature in exercise physiology. Emphasis is placed on the muscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems. (Typically offered: Fall)

EXSC 55203. Muscle Metabolism in Exercise. 3 Hours.

A study of the metabolic changes that occur in muscle as a result of exercise, exercise training, and other stressors. Prerequisite: EXSC 55103 or equivalent. (Typically offered: Spring)

EXSC 55303. Cardiac Rehabilitation Program. 3 Hours.

An examination of the concepts, design, and implementation of cardiac rehabilitation programs. Emphasis on exercise programs but reference to nutrition, psychology, and other lifestyle interventions. (Typically offered: Spring Even Years)

EXSC 55403. Cardiovascular Function in Exercise. 3 Hours.

Study of the effects of exercise training and other stressors on the cardiovascular system. Detailed study of the components of the cardiovascular system and the responses and adaptations of those components to selected stimuli. Corequisite: EXSC 55103 or equivalent. (Typically offered: Fall Even Years)

EXSC 55903. Advanced Exercise Testing and Prescription. 3 Hours.

Practical experience in testing physical fitness utilizing laboratory equipment. Objective is to quantify physiological parameters, leading to the individualized exercise prescription. (Typically offered: Fall and Summer)

EXSC 56103. Physical Dimensions of Aging. 3 Hours.

This course will focus on the physiological changes with healthy aging, pathophysiology of age-related diseases, testing issues, exercise interventions, and the psychosocial aspects of aging. Prerequisite: EXSC 55103. (Typically offered: Spring Odd Years)

EXSC 56403. Advanced Psychology of Sports Injury and Rehabilitation. 3 Hours.

The purpose of this course is to explore and discuss factors related to the psychological aspects of athletic injuries. These factors include the sociocultural, mental, emotional, and physical dimensions of injury rehabilitation. (Typically offered: Spring)

EXSC 57703. Performance and Drugs. 3 Hours.

The pharmacological and physiological effects of ergogenic aids upon the athlete and performance coupled with the ethical and moralistic viewpoints of drug taking. Practical laboratory experiences are provided with pertinent statistical surveys of athletes; their drug taking habits and relevant psychological impact on performance. (Typically offered: Spring)

EXSC 63103. Muscle Physiology. 3 Hours.

To expand the student's knowledge of the skeletal muscle form and function. Specifically, how muscle is formed to how it can adapt as a post-mitotic tissue. This course will focus on the morphological, physiological, cellular, and molecular factors that affect skeletal muscle form and function. (Typically offered: Fall Even Years)

EXSC 63403. Physiology of Exercise II. 3 Hours.

Detailed study of the body systems affected by exercise, the functions of these systems during exercise, the effects of age, sex, body type, and nutrition on capacity for exercise, the techniques of assessing work capacity, and a critical analysis of research literature in this area. (Typically offered: Irregular)

EXSC 64403. Thermoregulation and Fluid Balance. 3 Hours.

Comprehensive overview of human thermoregulatory responses to exercise in heat and cold. (Typically offered: Spring Even Years)

Health, Human Performance and Recreation Courses

HHPR 50001. Health, Human Performance and Recreation Seminar. 1 Hour.

This course exposes Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation (HHPR) students to the research and scholarly activity that is happening by fellow students, faculty, and related constituents. Other activities include professional development and exposure to topics of interest that aid in career enhancement. The course will be graded on a Credit/Fail basis. Prerequisite: Admission into one of the following: Ph.D. in Health, Sport and Exercise Science (HSESPH), M.S. in Exercise Science (EXSCMS), Master of Public Health (PBHLMPH), Master of Athletic Training (ATTRMA), M.Ed. in Physical Education (PHEDME), or M.Ed. in Recreation and Sport Management (RESMME) programs. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit.

HHPR 53503. Research in Health, Human Performance and Recreation. 3 Hours.

Methods and techniques of research in health, human performance and recreation including an analysis of examples of their use and practice in their application to problems of interest to the student. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)

HHPR 62303. Management in HHPR. 3 Hours.

The course is designed to develop student understanding of the principles, procedures, relationships, problems, and current practices in the supervision of recreation, sport, health education and kinesiology in higher education. In addition, students also learn about accreditation, certification, decision making, and tenure systems. (Typically offered: Spring Odd Years)

HHPR 63303. Measurement in HHPR. 3 Hours.

This interdisciplinary course is designed to develop students' understanding of the data collection process from study conception through publication. We will emphasize aspects important to measurements, such as instrumentation, study design, reading and writing, and ethics. Students will apply these concepts to their area of research interest. (Typically offered: Irregular)

HHPR 64803. Grant Writing. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to develop student understanding of the research grants process including identifying funding sources, preparation of grants and the grants review process. The course will be focused on the NIH platform which is the base model used for most biomedical research proposals. We will discuss and have guests to elaborate on other common funding sources and types of funding including: NSF, USDA, Corporate Funds and Research Contracts, Foundations (such as ACSM, AHA, etc.) (Typically offered: Spring Odd Years)

HHPR 6890V. Directed Research. 1-6 Hour.

Laboratory investigations, in basic and applied research. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.

HHPR 6990V. Seminar. 1-3 Hour.

Seminar. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit.

HHPR 7000V. Doctoral Dissertation. 1-18 Hour.

Doctoral Dissertation. Prerequisite: Candidacy. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for degree credit.

Physical Education Courses

PHED 52503. The Physical Education Curriculum. 3 Hours.

Principles, problems, procedures, and the influence of educational philosophy on programs in physical education and their application in the construction of a course of study for a specific situation. (Typically offered: Fall and Summer)

PHED 52703. Professional Issues in Physical Education and Sport. 3 Hours.

A review of contemporary research literature informing effective teaching practices in physical education settings. Students gain experience in critically reviewing literature and discussing current issues. (Typically offered: Fall and Summer)

PHED 53103. Risk Management in Physical Education & Athletics. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to provide opportunities for the student to acquire an understanding of how to reduce the risk of injuries and eliminate hazards that may contribute to injuries associated with physical education and athletics. (Typically offered: Spring and Summer)

PHED 54803. Conducting Research in Physical Education. 3 Hours.

Methods and techniques of research in physical education, including an analysis of examples of their use and practice in their application to problems of interest to the student. Prerequisite: Students must be currently enrolled in the online MEd in Physical Education program. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

PHED 55503. Scientific Principles of Movement and Performance. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on theoretical information about sport biomechanics and movement principles, with practical applications to the physical education of coaching profession. (Typically offered: Spring and Summer)

PHED 56403. Motor Learning. 3 Hours.

Concepts of motor learning and control are presented. Attention is given to an analysis of the literature in movement control, motor behavior, and motor learning. (Typically offered: Spring and Summer)

PHED 57503. Sport Psychology. 3 Hours.

Investigation of historical and contemporary research in sport psychology. (Typically offered: Spring and Summer)

PHED 58003. Measurement Concepts for K-12 Physical Education Teachers. 3 Hours.

This course focuses on techniques that physical education teachers can use to monitor student progress in a K-12 environment. (Typically offered: Fall and Summer)

PHED 63603. Supervision in Physical Education. 3 Hours.

The focus of this course is instructional supervision as a set of complex processes in which the supervisor works within accepted guidelines and functions to effectively supervise a teacher's pedagogical development. The Physical Education Instructional Supervision (PEIS) Model will be used to help facilitate this process. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

PHED 67203. Funding Opportunities in Education. 3 Hours.

This course is designed to provide students with the tools to identify, develop, and submit grant proposals. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

Recreation and Sport Management Courses

RESM 50203. Outdoor Adventure Leadership. 3 Hours.

This course considers the values and scope of outdoor recreation programs, leadership and skill development with practical experience in a wilderness environment. The course will include a canoe trip through the wilderness, and skill training in such areas as orienteering and rock climbing; and leadership development in interpersonal and processing skills. The graduate portion of the class is geared toward leading and trip planning for taking college age and older students into remote areas. Graduate degree credit will not be given for both RESM 40203 and RESM 50203. (Typically offered: Summer)

RESM 50903. Diversity and Inclusion in Recreation and Sport Management. 3 Hours.

Skills, knowledge, and concepts within recreation and sport which are appropriate to planning and implementing recreation and sport programs and services for the handicapped. (Typically offered: Irregular)

RESM 52903. Athletics and Higher Education. 3 Hours.

This course features an examination of the historical development of athletics within American institutions of higher learning with an emphasis upon concepts and ideals that underlie the developments and the major problems affecting contemporary intercollegiate athletics. The purpose of this course is to teach the learner about the development of intercollegiate athletics from the mid-19th century to today. A second purpose of this course is to examine the major issues facing sport administrators within intercollegiate athletics today. (Typically offered: Spring and Summer)

RESM 53303. Sport Media and Public Relations. 3 Hours.

The course will explore the relationship between media organizations and sport organizations, with an emphasis on the business of media rights, as well as public relations theories such as two-way symmetrical communication and agenda setting. Finally, the course will examine practical communication tactics employed by public relations practitioners such as image repair and crisis communications, and the issues presented by forms of new media. (Typically offered: Fall)

RESM 54603. Sports Facilities Management. 3 Hours.

Considers basic elements and procedures in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of sport facilities; management considerations in conducting various types of events. (Typically offered: Summer)

RESM 5600V. Advanced Workshop. 1-3 Hour.

Workshop. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit.

RESM 5740V. Internship. 1-3 Hour.

This experiential-based course requires 135 hours per semester of work in a recreation or sport setting. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)

RESM 58003. NCAA Governance, Legislation, & Compliance. 3 Hours.

This course examines NCAA governance and both the NCAA legislative and infractions processes. As familiarity with and knowledge of NCAA legislation becomes increasingly important within the college athletics industry, a purpose of the course is to examine the NCAA's operative bylaws (11 through 17). The course will incorporate NCAA infractions cases as a method to learn application of the legislation. An overarching objective is to increase appreciation of NCAA rules compliance yet encourage critical thought of both the infractions process and legislative content. (Typically offered: Fall and Summer)
This course is cross-listed with LAWW 58003.

RESM 58103. Social Issues in Sport. 3 Hours.

Using sociological theories and scholarship to examine social and cultural influences on sport and physical activity. Course is based on a social justice framework and a cultural studies perspective. (Typically offered: Fall and Summer)

RESM 58403. Tourism. 3 Hours.

Explores major concepts of tourism to discover what makes tourism work, how tourism is organized, and its social and economic effects. (Typically offered: Spring)

RESM 58503. Capstone in Recreation and Sport Management. 3 Hours.

Capstone course where students utilize program courses to solve administrative issues which may arise in an organization. Attention is given to how departmental organization, administrative practices and policies, strategic planning, personnel management, finances, and legal areas are integrated to create solutions to broad-based contemporary issues. (Typically offered: Spring)

RESM 58703. Leadership in Recreation and Sport Management Services. 3 Hours.

Considers research, theory, and practical applications of leadership principles utilized in the provision of recreation and sport management services. Focus is on motivation, attitude, communication, group dynamics, and problem solving. (Typically offered: Fall and Summer)

RESM 58803. Recreation and Sport Services Promotion. 3 Hours.

Examines specific strategies for promoting recreation and sport programs in the local community. (Typically offered: Summer)

RESM 58903. Public and Private Finance in Recreation and Sport Management. 3 Hours.

Develops an understanding of both public and private finance management for students in public and private management positions. Provides an understanding of the budgeting processes and techniques used in obtaining and controlling funds, including private sector finance problems in areas of credit, pricing, indexing, and debt management. (Typically offered: Fall)

RESM 6000V. Master's Thesis. 1-18 Hour.

Master's Thesis. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for degree credit.

RESM 6050V. Independent Study. 1-3 Hour.

Independent study. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit.

RESM 6120V. Directed Reading in Recreation and Sport. 1-3 Hour.

Critical analysis of literature in the area of recreation and sport. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)

RESM 61303. Issues in RESM. 3 Hours.

A review of the significant social, demographic, behavioral, developmental, and technological issues that influence health, kinesiology, and recreation and sport management programs. Pre- or Corequisite: Doctoral level students only. (Typically offered: Irregular)

RESM 65303. Legal and Political Aspects. 3 Hours.

An overview of major legislation affecting recreation and sport management professions; how to operate within these laws; and methods for influencing new legislation. Also discusses political aspects of professions both outside and inside government agencies. (Typically offered: Spring)
This course is cross-listed with LAWW 59203.

RESM 6740V. Internship. 1-3 Hour.

Students will learn diverse teaching techniques and implement them in an ongoing undergraduate recreation and sport management class serving as the teaching laboratory. The "what" "when" and "how" relative to integrating various teaching techniques with specific content areas in the class will be explored by both the student and the instructor. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)