Music (MUSC)
Alan Gosman
Interim Department Chair
201 Music Building
The Department of Music offers three majors, one music major leading to a Bachelor of Music and a second leading to a Bachelor of Arts, and a third, music education, leading to a Bachelor of Music degree. The department also offers a minor in music. The Bachelor of Music offers a variety of concentrations as well as a program with elective studies in business.
The music department strives to enrich and inspire the human mind and spirit through the pursuit of excellence in creative activity, research, teaching, and service. The University of Arkansas is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music. The requirements for entrance and for graduation as set forth in this catalog are in accordance with the published regulations of that Association.
General Music Requirements
To achieve junior standing in the curriculum leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in music and the Bachelor of Music degree, the student must have completed 56 hours and must have maintained a cumulative grade average of “C” in all music courses, with the exception of ensemble, by the end of the fourth semester. The student must also have earned a grade average of not less than “B” in the major applied field of study during the sophomore year. This standing is prerequisite to all 3000-level courses and above in music.
Pursuant to enrolling in applied music courses, all music majors must audition for the music department faculty. Private study of the primary voice/instrument for music majors requires the successful completion of an audition for the instructor and consent of the Department of Music. Music majors are expected to own their own instruments. Some instruments are provided for student use only in certain circumstances and at the discretion of the music department.
All music majors, with exceptions noted below, are required to enroll in MUEN 14101 Razorback Chorus I or MUEN 15901 Treble Chorus I during the first year of residence. Exceptions to the requirement would include all students pursuing the Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degree for whom voice or piano is the major applied area.
Piano Proficiency Requirement: Students pursuing a Bachelor of Music degree must pass a piano proficiency examination upon entering the University of Arkansas or must register in piano classes until this requirement is met. Students with previous piano training may take a piano placement exam and be advised to omit one or more semesters of Class Piano (MUAC 12201, MUAC 12301, MUAC 22201). Students will receive college credit for the omitted class piano courses if they validate their higher placement by passing an advanced piano course with a grade of “B” or better.
On the basis of prior study in music, a student may be advised to omit one or more semesters of Aural Perception (MUTH 16201, MUTH 16301, MUTH 26201). Students will receive college credit for the omitted aural perception courses when they have validated their higher placement by passing the course in which they are placed with a grade of “B”or better.
Writing Requirement: Students can meet the Fulbright College writing requirement by submission of a satisfactory term paper for MUED 41102 (music education majors) or MUHS 42503 (all other music majors).
Applied Music (Class) Courses
MUAC 11201. English and Italian Diction for Singers. 1 Hour.
Training in proper pronunciation and inflections of English and Italian as applied to singers. Two meetings per week. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUAC 11401. German and French Diction for Singers. 1 Hour.
Training in proper pronunciation and inflection of German and French as applied to singing. Two meetings per week. Prerequisite: MUAC 11201. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUAC 11601. Class Instruction in Piano for Non-Music Majors. 1 Hour.
Beginning instruction in piano. Does not fulfill the class piano requirement for music majors. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)
MUAC 12201. Piano Class for Music Majors I. 1 Hour.
Training in functional piano skills for music majors. Two meetings per week. Prerequisite: Music major and MUTH 10003. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUAC 12301. Piano Class for Music Majors II. 1 Hour.
A continuation of MUAC 12201. Two meetings per week. Upon successful completion of MUAC 12301 with a grade of B or better, credit for MUAC 12201 will also be given. Prerequisite: MUAC 12201 and a music major pursuing a degree of Bachelor of Arts or Honors Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music or Honors Bachelor of Music. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUAC 13201. Class Instruction in Guitar. 1 Hour.
Beginning class instruction in guitar. Students must provide their own instruments. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUAC 13801. Class Instruction in Voice. 1 Hour.
Fundamentals of vocalization and singing of English songs, including breathing, vowel clarity, and pronunciation of consonants. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUAC 21102. Music Technology. 2 Hours.
Introduces skills for transcribing music using music notation software and sound reinforcement systems. Covers MIDI sequencing and audio recording and editing software to produce accompaniment tracks and create compact discs of music and multimedia projects. Prerequisite: Music major pursuing a Bachelor of Music or Honors Bachelor of Music degree, and sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)
MUAC 22201. Piano Class for Music Majors III. 1 Hour.
A continuation of MUAC 12301. Two meetings per week. Upon successful completion of MUAC 22201 with a grade of B or better, credit for MUAC 12201 and MUAC 12301 will also be given. Prerequisite: MUAC 12301 and a music major pursuing a degree of Bachelor of Arts or Honors Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music or Honors Bachelor of Music. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUAC 22301. Piano Class for Music Major IV. 1 Hour.
A continuation of MUAC 22201. Two meetings per week. Upon successful completion of MUAC 22301 with a grade of B or better, credit for MUAC 12201, MUAC 12301, and MUAC 22201 will also be given. Prerequisite: MUAC 22201 and a music major pursuing a degree of Bachelor of Arts or Honors Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music or Honors Bachelor of Music. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUAC 23201. Guitar Class Intermediate. 1 Hour.
Continues the development of several skills on the guitar such as rhythm playing, chord formations, sheet music reading, and melody presentation. Includes significant solo and group playing experiences. Prerequisite: MUAC 13201 or Instructor Consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUAC 31102. Functional Piano Technique. 2 Hours.
A comprehensive survey of functional piano playing technique focusing on the ergonomic way of playing the piano, injury prevention, and patterns of movement. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUAC 34001. Jazz Improvisation I. 1 Hour.
This course is the first in a four-semester sequence on the study of jazz improvisation with a linguistic approach. The class will cover the vocabulary and grammar of jazz, as well as rhetoric, story-telling and emotional performance. Each week students will be expected to be proficient in technical drills, harmonic and rhythmic vocabulary, and repertoire related to the four fundamental forms encompassed by the course. Transcriptions and writing assignments will also be given, and students will work with the Contrast Method of Improvisational Concepts, self-listening and analysis, performing the topics in class, group performance, and artistic development. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUAC 34101. Jazz Improvisation II. 1 Hour.
This course is the second in a four-semester sequence on the study of jazz improvisation with a linguistic approach. The class will cover the vocabulary and grammar of jazz, as well as rhetoric, story-telling and emotional performance. Each week students will be expected to be proficient in technical drills, harmonic and rhythmic vocabulary, and repertoire related to the four fundamental forms encompassed by the course. Transcriptions and writing assignments will also be given, and students will work with the Contrast Method of Improvisational Concepts, self-listening and analysis, performing the topics in class, group performance, and artistic development. Prerequisite: MUAC 34001. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUAC 43701. Teaching the High School Percussionist. 1 Hour.
A study of solo literature and small and large ensemble literature appropriate for the high school percussionist. Emphasis on advanced snare drum and marimba lit., timpani and the broad range of percussionist instruments. Includes study of high school band, orchestra and percussion ensemble scores. Prerequisite: MUED 13701. (Typically offered: Irregular)
MUAC 44001. Jazz Improvisation III. 1 Hour.
This course is the third in a four-semester sequence on the study of jazz improvisation with a linguistic approach. The class will cover the vocabulary and grammar of jazz, as well as rhetoric, story-telling and emotional performance. Each week students will be expected to be proficient in technical drills, harmonic and rhythmic vocabulary, and repertoire related to the four fundamental forms encompassed by the course. Transcriptions and writing assignments will also be given, and students will work with the Contrast Method of Improvisational Concepts, self-listening and analysis, performing the topics in class, group performance, and artistic development. Prerequisite: MUAC 34101. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUAC 44101. Jazz Improvisation IV. 1 Hour.
This course is the fourth in a four-semester sequence on the study of jazz improvisation with a linguistic approach. The class will cover the vocabulary and grammar of jazz, as well as rhetoric, story-telling and emotional performance. Each week students will be expected to be proficient in technical drills, harmonic and rhythmic vocabulary, and repertoire related to the four fundamental forms encompassed by the course. Transcriptions and writing assignments will also be given, and students will work with the Contrast Method of Improvisational Concepts, self-listening and analysis, performing the topics in class, group performance, and artistic development. Prerequisite: MUAC 44001. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUAC 44201. Advanced Studies in Improvisation. 1 Hour.
Extends the techniques built in the improvisation course sequence (MUAC 34001, MUAC 34101, MUAC 44001, MUAC 44101) with specialized topics in a variety of improvisatory traditions. Sections may include "Free Jazz", "Coltrane and Chromaticism" "Atonal Improvisation", "Baroque Improvisation" and "World Music Improvisation". Prerequisite: MUAC 44101 or instructor consent. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
Applied Music (Private Inst) Courses
MUAP 1000V. Applied Secondary-Level Voice/Instrument I. 1-2 Hour.
Private study of secondary voice/instrument. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 4 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 1100V. Applied Major Voice/Instrument I. 1-4 Hour.
Private study of the primary voice/instrument for music majors. Admission to MUAP 1100V requires the successful completion of audition for the instructor. Prerequisite: Music major. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 1300V. Applied Skills Voice/Instrument I. 1-4 Hour.
Private study of the primary voice/instrument for music majors. Continued development of fundamental musical and technical skills introduced in MUAP 1100V. Prerequisite: Music major; recommendation of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 2000V. Applied Secondary-Level Voice/Instrument II. 1-2 Hour.
Continued private study of secondary voice/instrument. Instructor permission required to enroll. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 1000V and recommendation of the instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 4 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 2100V. Applied Major Voice/Instrument II. 1-4 Hour.
Continued private study of the primary voice/instrument for music majors. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 1100V with grades of B or better or MUAP 1300V with a grade of B or better. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 2300V. Applied Skills Voice/Instrument II. 1-4 Hour.
Private study of the primary voice/instrument for music majors. Continued development of fundamental musical and technical skills introduced in MUAP 2100V. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 2100V and recommendation of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 3000V. Applied Secondary-Level Voice/Instrument III. 1-2 Hour.
Advanced private study of secondary voice/instrument. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 2000V and recommendation of the instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 4 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 3100V. Applied Major Voice/Instrument III. 1-4 Hour.
Continuation of MUAP 2100V. Private study of the primary instrument/voice for music majors at the advanced level. Admission requires approval of the faculty committee of the area of study (voice, piano, woodwind, brass, percussion). Mastery of fundamental/technical skills sufficient to prepare for a recital must be observable by the committee. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 2100V with grades of B or better or MUAP 2300V with a grade of B or better. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 310HV. Honors Applied Major Voice/Instrument III. 1-4 Hour.
Continuation of MUAP 2100V. Private study of the primary voice/instrument for honors music majors at the advanced level. Admission requires approval of faculty committee of the area of study (voice, piano, woodwind, brass, percussion). Mastery of fundamental/technical skills sufficient to prepare for a recital must be observable by the committee. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 2100V with grades of B or better or MUAP 2300V with a grade of B or better; honors standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUAP 3100V.
MUAP 32001. Applied Recital I. 1 Hour.
Preparation and performance of a public recital of a minimum of 25 minutes of music. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for degree credit.
MUAP 320H1. Honors Applied Recital I. 1 Hour.
Preparation and performance of a public recital of a minimum of 50 minutes of music. Corequisite: MUAP 310HV. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUAP 32001.
MUAP 3300V. Applied Skills Voice/Instrument III. 1-4 Hour.
Private study of the primary voice/instrument for music majors at the advanced level. Continued development of musical and technical skills introduced in MUAP 3100V. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 3100V and recommendation of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 4000V. Applied Secondary-Level Voice/Instrument IV. 1-2 Hour.
Continued advanced private study of secondary voice/instrument. Instructor permission required to enroll. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 3000V and recommendation of the instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 4 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 4100V. Applied Major Voice/Instrument IV. 1-4 Hour.
Continuation of MUAP 3100V. Private study of the primary voice/instrument for music majors at the advanced level. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 3100V with recommendation of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 410HV. Honors Applied Major Voice/Instrument IV. 1-4 Hour.
Continuation of MUAP 310HV. Private study of the primary voice/instrument for honors music majors at the advanced level. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 310HV, recommendation of instructor and honors standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUAP 4100V.
MUAP 4150V. Applied Skills Voice/Instrument IV. 1-4 Hour.
Private study of the primary voice/instrument for music majors at the advanced level in preparation for recital. Continued development of musical and technical skills introduced in MUAP 4100V. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUAP 4100V and recommendation of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUAP 42001. Applied Recital II. 1 Hour.
Preparation and performance of a public recital of a minimum of 50 minutes of music. Prerequisite: MUAP 32001. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for degree credit.
MUAP 420H1. Honors Applied Recital II. 1 Hour.
Preparation and performance of a public recital of a minimum of 50 minutes of music. Corequisite: MUAP 410HV. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUAP 42001.
MUAP 43001. Composition Recital. 1 Hour.
Preparation and performance of a public recital of a minimum of 50 minutes consisting of original musical compositions. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for degree credit.
Ethnomusicology Courses
MUSY 20003. Music in World Cultures. 3 Hours.
Provides an overview of music from around the world. Examines the role of music in different social and cultural contexts. A variety of indigenous, folk, religious, popular, and art music traditions will be explored, along with the people and cultures that create them. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUSY 200H3. Honors Music in World Cultures. 3 Hours.
Provides an overview of music from around the world. Examines the role of music in different social and cultural contexts. A variety of indigenous, folk, religious, popular, and art music traditions will be explored, along with the people and cultures that create them. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
This course is equivalent to MUSY 20003.
Music Education Courses
MUED 13701. Teaching the Beginning Percussionist. 1 Hour.
A study of the pedagogy and techniques needed to instruct middle school and junior high percussionists. Emphasis on elementary snare drum and marimba performance. Study of junior high band and orchestra methods, solos and ensemble music. Prerequisite: MUEDBM major. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUED 20102. Introduction to Music Education. 2 Hours.
A course designed to provide early experiences for the prospective music teacher. Students will become familiar with professional trends, music classroom organizational and management issues, and principles of effective education. Emphases will include basic psychological and philosophical orientation, as well as observations in public school classrooms. Required of all prospective Music Education majors. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUED 23301. Marching Band Techniques. 1 Hour.
Preparation for teaching, organizing, and leading a high school marching band program. Emphasis on the design process when working with professional designers (visual/music/drill), and exploring the non-teaching aspects of show design (props/logistics). Focus on executing a marching band rehearsal by exploring the modern visual approach through dance techniques. Prerequisite: MUED 20102. (Typically offered: Summer Even Years)
MUED 23401. Technology in Music Teaching. 1 Hour.
Introduces the fundamentals of STEAM by using music education technology to enhance student learning in public school music classrooms. Emphasis on understanding the effective means to authentically integrate technology in K-12 music education. Prerequisite: MUED 20102. (Typically offered: Summer Even Years)
MUED 25302. Class Instruction in Woodwind Instruments. 2 Hours.
Familiarizes students with elementary and intermediate skills, techniques and pedagogy needed to teach woodwind instruments--flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, and bassoon--in a class setting. Corequisite: Lab component. Prerequisite: MUEDBM major. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUED 25402. Class Instruction in Brass Instruments. 2 Hours.
Familiarizes students with elementary and intermediate skills, techniques and pedagogy needed to teach brass instruments--trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba--in a class setting. Corequisite: Lab component. Prerequisite: MUEDBM major. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUED 25502. Class Instruction in Orchestral String Instruments. 2 Hours.
Familiarizes students with elementary and intermediate skills, techniques and pedagogy needed to teach orchestral stringed instruments in a class setting. Includes a lab that specifically focuses on peer teaching of concepts and skills related to teaching stringed instruments. Corequisite: Lab component. Prerequisite: MUEDBM major. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUED 30201. Supervised Practicum in Teaching Musical Skills. 1 Hour.
Provides for supervised teaching opportunities with public school students in instrumental, choral, and elementary classes. Prerequisite: MUEDBM major and MUED 20102. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUED 38303. Music Education in the Elementary School. 3 Hours.
Concepts of elementary music education; methods, materials, curriculum design, and supervision in elementary school music. Prerequisite: MUED 20102. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUED 39101. Classroom Instruments in Music Education. 1 Hour.
The study of instruments utilized in the general music classroom, including but not limited to the Orff Instrumentarium, pitched and unpitched hand-held percussion, frame and various ethnic drums, guitar, and recorder. Elementary and secondary general music classroom preparation with an emphasis on orchestration, composition, and improvisation with instruments commonly utilized in required music classes in public schools. Open to music education majors or with instructor's consent. Pre- or Corequisite: MUED 38303. Prerequisite: MUED 20102. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUED 40301. Seminar for Professional Entry into Music Education. 1 Hour.
A seminar offered during student teaching semester to prepare the student for the role of a professional educator. Content includes professional ethics and conduct, classroom management, evaluation and grading, and application for employment. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUED 41102. Pedagogy in Music Education. 2 Hours.
A course presenting broad music teaching concepts and specific teaching behaviors. Students will experience the pedagogical teaching situation through the construct of effective communication practice. Emphases will be on providing a laboratory environment representative of public school classrooms. Required of all Music Education majors. Prerequisite: MUED 38303. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUED 42703. Methods for Teaching String Instruments. 3 Hours.
Methods and materials for students preparing to teach orchestral instruments and ensembles in the public schools. Prerequisite: MUED 13701, MUED 20102, MUED 25302, MUED 25402, MUED 25502, and MUED 30201. (Typically offered: Fall Odd Years)
MUED 42803. Teaching Vocal Music. 3 Hours.
Methods and materials used in teaching secondary choral music. Prerequisite: MUED 20102 . (Typically offered: Irregular)
MUED 42903. Instrumental Methods. 3 Hours.
Problems of teaching instrumental music in the public schools. Prerequisite: MUED 13701, MUED 20102, MUED 25302, MUED 25402, MUED 25502, and MUED 30201. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUED 4510V. Student Teaching: Elementary Music. 4-8 Hour.
A minimum of five weeks and a maximum of ten weeks will be spent in an off-campus school, where the student will teach under supervision in the elementary classroom and will participate in other activities involving the school and community. Enrollment requirement is for a total of 12 hours and 15 weeks involvement in MUED 4520V and MUED 4510V. Successful completion of a criminal background check is required prior to beginning student teaching. Corequisite: MUED 4520V. Prerequisite: Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUED 4520V. Student Teaching: Secondary Music. 4-8 Hour.
A minimum of five weeks and a maximum of ten weeks will be spent in an off-campus school, where the student will teach under supervision in the elementary classroom and will participate in other activities involving the school and community. Enrollment requirement is for a total of 12 hours and 15 weeks involvement in MUED 4520V and MUED 4510V. Successful completion of a criminal background check is required before beginning student teaching. Corequisite: MUED 4510V. Prerequisite: Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUED 47403. Characteristics of Special Needs Students in the Music Classroom. 3 Hours.
Provides an overview to special needs students in the music classroom. Explores the characteristics of special needs students in six domains: cognitive, communicative, emotional, behavioral, and medical and physical. Requires outside class time working with special needs students. Prerequisite: Instructor's consent. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUED 4770V. Special Topics in Music Education. 1-4 Hour.
Subject matter not covered in other sources. With permission, may be repeated for credit if topics are different. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for degree credit.
Music Ensemble Courses
MUEN 12101. Latin American Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Plays music of Latin America with particular focus on Afro-Caribbean music and its performance practices. Students perform, improvise, arrange and compose in a variety of styles such as Son, Danzon, Cha-Cha-Cha, Mambo, Latin Jazz, Salsa, and Timba. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 12201. World Music Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Study music and practices from a variety of musical cultures, while simultaneously acquiring solid grounding in music theory, musicianship skills, music history, and literature. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 12301. Songwriters' Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
A combined songwriting course and contemporary music ensemble. Students build a portfolio of original songs while studying elements of modern songwriting including harmony, lyrics, form, arranging, production and style. The class acts as an ensemble to present a recital of original music for the final performance. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 12401. Beginning Jazz Combo. 1 Hour.
Introductory ensemble experience offering a repertoire-based approach to learning basic improvisation skills and the performance of common jazz styles. Open to both music and non-music majors. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 12501. Arkansas Soul Band I. 1 Hour.
Perform historical and contemporary popular music from the African American tradition. These genres include, but are not limited to, soul, blues, funk, R&B, and hip-hop. Students will develop arranging and musical direction skills, as well as analysis of performance, arrangements, and compositions/songwriting in these styles. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 12601. Intermediate Jazz Combo I. 1 Hour.
Intermediate small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 12701. Advanced Jazz Combo I. 1 Hour.
Advanced small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 12801. Vocal Jazz Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Presents the opportunity for vocal students interested in jazz to perform music as an ensemble. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14001. Opera Theatre I. 1 Hour.
Study of opera through performances of scenes, chamber and major operatic production. Admission with director's approval. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14101. Razorback Chorus I. 1 Hour.
Performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to choral repertory in the tenor-bass range. Admission is open to any student on campus that can sing in the tenor-bass range. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14201. Inspirational Chorale I. 1 Hour.
Performance of African American literature with particular emphasis on Negro spirituals, traditional/contemporary gospel music, and sacred world music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14301. Symphony Orchestra I. 1 Hour.
Large, select orchestral ensemble setting with a focus on the study and performance of a range of symphonic literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced players; by audition only. Prerequisite: Director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14401. Marching Band I. 1 Hour.
Large ensemble performs at football games. Emphasis on high performance standards and a variety of performing styles. Rehearsal 8 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14501. Schola Cantorum I. 1 Hour.
Large, select choral ensemble with focus on the study and performance of a range of choral literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced singers; by audition only. Prerequisite: Director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14601. Wind Symphony I. 1 Hour.
Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14701. Jazz Orchestra. 1 Hour.
Training in the various styles of jazz and popular music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14801. Campus Band I. 1 Hour.
Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Corequisite: Lab component. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 14901. Concert Band I. 1 Hour.
Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 15001. Chamber Music I. 1 Hour.
Performance of small ensemble music for any combination of instruments and/or voice. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 15101. Symphonic Band I. 1 Hour.
Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Director's consent. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 15201. Woodwind Quintet I. 1 Hour.
Study and performance of music for woodwind quintet. Weekly coaching will emphasize intonation, blend, stylistic awareness, and ensemble precision. Repertoire ranges from the 18th to the 20th centuries. 3 hours of rehearsals weekly. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 15401. Accompanying I. 1 Hour.
Piano accompanying of vocal and instrumental soloists. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Pre- or Corequisite: MUAP 1100V. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 15501. Percussion Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Study and performance of ensemble music for multiple percussion instruments. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 15601. Musical Theater Orchestra I. 1 Hour.
Instrumental ensemble with focus on the preparation and performance of musical theater pit orchestra music, in conjunction with UA Theater's mainstage musical. Admission by audition or director's approval. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 15801. Chamber Choir I. 1 Hour.
Study and performance of vocal chamber music. Rehearsal 2 hours per week for 1 hour of credit. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 15901. Treble Chorus I. 1 Hour.
Performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to choral repertory in the treble range. Admission is open to any student on campus that can sing in the treble range. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 16901. Wind Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Large ensemble setting performing orchestral wind and symphonic band literature with emphasis on high performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 17201. Clarinet Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Study and performance of music for multiple clarinets, including trios, quartets, quintets, and clarinet choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 17301. Saxophone Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Study and performance of music for multiple saxophones, including trios, quartets, quintets, and saxophone choir. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 17401. Chamber Orchestra I. 1 Hour.
Explores the string orchestra literature with a focus on proficient string orchestra performance practices and effective music preparation strategies. Explores balance, blend, articulation, style, and rehearsal technique that is inherent to a string ensemble or a string section. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 17601. New Music Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Small, select ensemble with emphasis on music written in the last hundred years, especially by important living composers. Focus on audience engagement through high performance standards, unconventional settings, and programs unique to the region. Off-campus appearances and outreach activities are required. Admission by consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 17701. Trombone Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Study and performance of music for multiple trombones, including trios, quartets, quintets, and trombone choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 17801. Tuba Ensemble I. 1 Hour.
Study and performance of music for multiple combinations of tuba and euphonium, including trios, quartets, quintets, and low brass choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 22101. Latin American Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
This ensemble plays music of Latin America with particular focus on Afro-Caribbean music and its performance practices. Students will have an opportunity to perform, improvise, arrange and compose in a variety of styles such as Son, Danzon, Cha-Cha-Cha, Mambo, Latin Jazz, Salsa, and Timba. The ensemble will perform at least one concert per semester and occasionally will perform at other activities on and off campus. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 22201. World Music Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Students in the World Music Ensemble will closely study music and practices from a variety of musical cultures, while simultaneously acquiring solid grounding in music theory, musicianship skills, music history, and literature. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 22301. Songwriters' Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
A combined songwriting course and contemporary music ensemble. Students build a portfolio of original songs while studying elements of modern songwriting including harmony, lyrics, form, arranging, production and style. The class acts as an ensemble to present a recital of original music for the final performance. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 22501. Arkansas Soul Band II. 1 Hour.
Perform historical and contemporary popular music from the African American tradition. These genres include, but are not limited to, soul, blues, funk, R&B, and hip-hop. Students will develop arranging and musical direction skills, as well as analysis of performance, arrangements, and compositions/songwriting in these styles. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 22601. Intermediate Jazz Combo II. 1 Hour.
Intermediate small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 22701. Advanced Jazz Combo II. 1 Hour.
Advanced small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 22801. Vocal Jazz Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Presents the opportunity for vocal students interested in jazz to perform music as an ensemble. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24001. Opera Theatre II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Opera Theatre I. Study of opera through performances of scenes, chamber and major operatic production. Admission with director's approval. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24101. Razorback Chorus II. 1 Hour.
Performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to choral repertory in the tenor-bass range. Admission is open to any student on campus that can sing in the tenor-bass range. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24201. Inspirational Chorale II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Inspirational Chorale I. Performance of African American literature with particular emphasis on Negro spirituals, traditional/contemporary gospel music, and sacred world music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Admission with director's approval. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing, audition and approval of director. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24301. Symphony Orchestra II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Symphony Orchestra I. Large, select orchestral ensemble setting with a focus on the study and performance of a range of symphonic literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced players; by audition only. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24401. Marching Band II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Marching Band I. Large ensemble performs at football games. Emphasis on high performance standards and a variety of performing styles. Rehearsal 8 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24501. Schola Cantorum II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Schola Cantorum I. Large, select choral ensemble with focus on the study and performance of a range of choral literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced singers; by audition only. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24601. Wind Symphony II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Wind Symphony I. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24701. Jazz Orchestra II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Jazz Performance Laboratory II. Training in the various styles of jazz and popular music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24801. Campus Band II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Campus Band I. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Corequisite: Lab component. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 24901. Concert Band II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Concert Band I. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 25001. Chamber Music II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Chamber Music I. Performance of small ensemble music for any combination of instruments and/or voice. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 25101. Symphonic Band II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Symphonic Band I. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing; director's consent. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 25201. Woodwind Quintet II. 1 Hour.
continuation of Woodwind Quintet I. Study and performance of music for woodwind quintet. Weekly coaching will emphasize intonation, blend, stylistic awareness, and ensemble precision. Repertoire ranges from the 18th to the 20th centuries. 3 hours of rehearsals weekly. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 25401. Accompanying II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Accompanying I. Piano accompanying of vocal and instrumental soloists. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Pre- or Corequisite: Sophomore standing and MUAP 2100V. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 25501. Percussion Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Percussion Ensemble I. Study and performance of ensemble music for multiple percussion instruments. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 25601. Musical Theater Orchestra II. 1 Hour.
Instrumental ensemble with focus on the preparation and performance of musical theater pit orchestra music, in conjunction with UA Theater's mainstage musical. Admission by audition or director's approval. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 25801. Chamber Choir II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Chamber Choir I. Study and performance of vocal chamber music. Rehearsal 2 hours per week for 1 hour of credit. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 25901. Treble Chorus II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Women's Chorus I. Performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to choral repertory in the treble range. Admission is open to any student on campus that can sing in the treble range. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 26901. Wind Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Large ensemble setting performing orchestral wind and symphonic band literature with emphasis on high performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUEN 16901.
MUEN 27201. Clarinet Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Clarinet Ensemble I. Study and performance of music for multiple clarinets, including trios, quartets, quintets, and clarinet choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 27301. Saxophone Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Saxophone Ensemble I. Study and performance of music for multiple saxophones, including trios, quartets, quintets, and saxophone choir. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 27401. Chamber Orchestra II. 1 Hour.
Explores the string orchestra literature with a focus on proficient string orchestra performance practices and effective music preparation strategies. Explores balance, blend, articulation, style, and rehearsal technique that is inherent to a string ensemble or a string section. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing and instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 27601. New Music Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of New Music Ensemble I. Small, select ensemble with emphasis on music written in the last hundred years, especially by important living composers. Focus on audience engagement through high performance standards, unconventional settings, and programs unique to the region. Off-campus appearances and outreach activities are required. Admission by consent. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 27701. Trombone Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Trombone Ensemble I. Study and performance of music for multiple trombones, including trios, quartets, quintets, and trombone choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 27801. Tuba Ensemble II. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Tuba Ensemble I. Study and performance of music for multiple combinations of tuba and euphonium, including trios, quartets, quintets, and low brass choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 32101. Latin American Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
This ensemble plays music of Latin America with particular focus on Afro-Caribbean music and its performance practices. Students will have an opportunity to perform, improvise, arrange and compose in a variety of styles such as Son, Danzon, Cha-Cha-Cha, Mambo, Latin Jazz, Salsa, and Timba. The ensemble will perform at least one concert per semester and occasionally will perform at other activities on and off campus. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 32201. World Music Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Students in the World Music Ensemble will closely study music and practices from a variety of musical cultures, while simultaneously acquiring solid grounding in music theory, musicianship skills, music history, and literature. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 32301. Songwriters' Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
A combined songwriting course and contemporary music ensemble. Students build a portfolio of original songs while studying elements of modern songwriting including harmony, lyrics, form, arranging, production and style. The class acts as an ensemble to present a recital of original music for the final performance. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 32501. Arkansas Soul Band III. 1 Hour.
Perform historical and contemporary popular music from the African American tradition. These genres include, but are not limited to, soul, blues, funk, R&B, and hip-hop. Students will develop arranging and musical direction skills, as well as analysis of performance, arrangements, and compositions/songwriting in these styles. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 32601. Intermediate Jazz Combo III. 1 Hour.
Intermediate small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 32701. Advanced Jazz Combo III. 1 Hour.
Advanced small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 32801. Vocal Jazz Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Presents the opportunity for vocal students interested in jazz to perform music as an ensemble. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34001. Opera Theatre III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Opera Theatre II. Study of opera through performances of scenes, chamber and major operatic production. Admission with director's approval. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34101. Razorback Chorus III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Men's Chorus II. Performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to choral repertory in the tenor-bass range. Admission is open to any student on campus that can sing in the tenor-bass range. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34201. Inspirational Chorale III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Inspirational Chorale II. Performance of African American literature with particular emphasis on Negro spirituals, traditional/contemporary gospel music, and sacred world music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34301. Symphony Orchestra III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Symphony Orchestra II. Large, select orchestral ensemble setting with a focus on the study and performance of a range of symphonic literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced players; by audition only. Prerequisite: Junior standing; director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34401. Marching Band III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Marching Band II. Large ensemble performs at football games. Emphasis on high performance standards and a variety of performing styles. Rehearsal 8 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34501. Schola Cantorum III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Schola Cantorum II. Large, select choral ensemble with focus on the study and performance of a range of choral literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced singers; by audition only. Prerequisite: Junior standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34601. Wind Symphony III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Wind Symphony II. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Junior standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34701. Jazz Orchestra III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Jazz Performance Lab II. Training in the various styles of jazz and popular music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34801. Campus Band III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Campus Band II. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Corequisite: Lab component. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 34901. Concert Band III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Concert Band II. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 35001. Chamber Music III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Chamber Music II. Performance of small ensemble music for any combination of instruments and/or voice. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 35101. Symphonic Band III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Symphonic Band II. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Junior standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 35201. Woodwind Quintet III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Woodwind Quintet II. Study and performance of music for woodwind quintet. Weekly coaching will emphasize intonation, blend, stylistic awareness, and ensemble precision. Repertoire ranges from the 18th to the 20th centuries. 3 hours of rehearsals weekly. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 35401. Accompanying III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Accompanying II. Piano accompanying of vocal and instrumental soloists. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Pre- or Corequisite: Junior standing and MUAP 3100V. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 35501. Percussion Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Percussion Ensemble II. Study and performance of ensemble music for multiple percussion instruments. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 35801. Chamber Choir III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Chamber Choir II. Study and performance of vocal chamber music. Rehearsal 2 hours per week for 1 hour of credit. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 35901. Treble Chorus III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Women's Chorus II. Performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to choral repertory in the treble range. Admission is open to any student on campus that can sing in the treble range. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 36901. Wind Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Wind Ensemble II. Large ensemble setting performing orchestral wind and symphonic band literature with emphasis on high performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUEN 16901.
MUEN 37201. Clarinet Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Clarinet Ensemble II. Study and performance of music for multiple clarinets, including trios, quartets, quintets, and clarinet choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 37301. Saxophone Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Saxophone Ensemble II. Study and performance of music for multiple saxophones, including trios, quartets, quintets, and saxophone choir. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 37401. Chamber Orchestra III. 1 Hour.
Explores the string orchestra literature with a focus on proficient string orchestra performance practices and effective music preparation strategies. Explores balance, blend, articulation, style, and rehearsal technique that is inherent to a string ensemble or a string section. Prerequisite: Junior standing and instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 37601. New Music Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of New Music Ensemble II. Small, select ensemble with emphasis on music written in the last hundred years, especially by important living composers. Focus on audience engagement through high performance standards, unconventional settings, and programs unique to the region. Off-campus appearances and outreach activities are required. Admission by consent. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 37701. Trombone Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Trombone Ensemble II. Study and performance of music for multiple trombones, including trios, quartets, quintets, and trombone choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 37801. Tuba Ensemble III. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Tuba Ensemble II. Study and performance of music for multiple combinations of tuba and euphonium, including trios, quartets, quintets, and low brass choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 42101. Latin American Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
This ensemble plays music of Latin America with particular focus on Afro-Caribbean music and its performance practices. Students will have an opportunity to perform, improvise, arrange and compose in a variety of styles such as Son, Danzon, Cha-Cha-Cha, Mambo, Latin Jazz, Salsa, and Timba. The ensemble will perform at least one concert per semester and occasionally will perform at other activities on and off campus. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 42201. World Music Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Students in the World Music Ensemble will closely study music and practices from a variety of musical cultures, while simultaneously acquiring solid grounding in music theory, musicianship skills, music history, and literature. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 42301. Songwriters' Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
A combined songwriting course and contemporary music ensemble. Students build a portfolio of original songs while studying elements of modern songwriting including harmony, lyrics, form, arranging, production and style. The class acts as an ensemble to present a recital of original music for the final performance. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 42501. Arkansas Soul Band IV. 1 Hour.
Perform historical and contemporary popular music from the African American tradition. These genres include, but are not limited to, soul, blues, funk, R&B, and hip-hop. Students will develop arranging and musical direction skills, as well as analysis of performance, arrangements, and compositions/songwriting in these styles. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 42601. Intermediate Jazz Combo IV. 1 Hour.
Intermediate small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 42701. Advanced Jazz Combo IV. 1 Hour.
Advanced small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 42801. Vocal Jazz Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Presents the opportunity for vocal students interested in jazz to perform music as an ensemble. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 43101. Latin American Ensemble V. 1 Hour.
This ensemble plays music of Latin America with particular focus on Afro-Caribbean music and its performance practices. Students will have an opportunity to perform, improvise, arrange and compose in a variety of styles such as Son, Danzon, Cha-Cha-Cha, Mambo, Latin Jazz, Salsa, and Timba. The ensemble will perform at least one concert per semester and occasionally will perform at other activities on and off campus. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 43201. World Music Ensemble V. 1 Hour.
Students in the World Music Ensemble will closely study music and practices from a variety of musical cultures, while simultaneously acquiring solid grounding in music theory, musicianship skills, music history, and literature. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 43301. Songwriters' Ensemble V. 1 Hour.
A combined songwriting course and contemporary music ensemble. Students build a portfolio of original songs while studying elements of modern songwriting including harmony, lyrics, form, arranging, production and style. The class acts as an ensemble to present a recital of original music for the final performance. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 43501. Arkansas Soul Band V. 1 Hour.
This ensemble performs historical and contemporary popular music from the African American tradition. These genres include but are not limited to soul, blues, funk, R&B, and hip-hop. Students will develop arranging and musical direction skills as well as analysis of performance, arrangements and compositions/songwriting in these styles. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 43601. Intermediate Jazz Combo V. 1 Hour.
Intermediate small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 42601. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 43701. Advanced Jazz Combo V. 1 Hour.
Advanced small jazz ensemble focused on improvisation in the context of bebop, free jazz, fusion, and related styles. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44001. Opera Theatre IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Opera Theatre III. Study of opera through performances of scenes, chamber and major operatic production. Admission with director's approval. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44101. Razorback Chorus IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Men's Chorus III. Performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to choral repertory in the tenor-bass range. Admission is open to any student on campus that can sing in the tenor-bass range. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44201. Inspirational Chorale IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Inspirational Chorale III. Performance of African American literature with particular emphasis on Negro spirituals, traditional/contemporary gospel music, and sacred world music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44301. Symphony Orchestra IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Symphony Orchestra III. Large, select orchestral ensemble setting with a focus on the study and performance of a range of symphonic literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced players; by audition only. Prerequisite: Senior standing; director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44401. Marching Band IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Marching Band III. Large ensemble performs at football games. Emphasis on high performance standards and a variety of performing styles. Rehearsal 8 hours per week. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44501. Schola Cantorum IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Schola Cantorum III. Large, select choral ensemble with focus on the study and performance of a range of choral literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced singers; by audition only. Prerequisite: Senior standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44601. Wind Symphony IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Wind Symphony III. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Senior standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44701. Jazz Orchestra IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Jazz Performance Lab III. Training in the various styles of jazz and popular music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44801. Campus Band IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Campus Band III. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Corequisite: lab component. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 44901. Concert Band IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Concert Band III. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 45001. Chamber Music IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Chamber Music III. Performance of small ensemble music for any combination of instruments and/or voice. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 45101. Symphonic Band IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Symphonic Band III. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Senior standing and director's consent. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 45201. Woodwind Quintet IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Woodwind Quintet III. Study and performance of music for woodwind quintet. Weekly coaching will emphasize intonation, blend, stylistic awareness, and ensemble precision. Repertoire ranges from the 18th to the 20th centuries. 3 hours of rehearsals weekly. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 45401. Accompanying IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Accompanying III. Piano accompanying of vocal and instrumental soloists. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Pre- or Corequisite: Senior standing and MUAP 4100V. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 45501. Percussion Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Percussion Ensemble III. Study and performance of ensemble music for multiple percussion instruments. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 45601. Musical Theater Orchestra IV. 1 Hour.
Instrumental ensemble with focus on the preparation and performance of musical theater pit orchestra music, in conjunction with UA Theater's mainstage musical. Admission by audition or director's approval. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 45801. Chamber Choir IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Chamber Choir III. Study and performance of vocal chamber music. Rehearsal 2 hours per week for 1 hour of credit. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 45901. Treble Chorus IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Women's Chorus III. Performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to choral repertory in the treble range. Admission is open to any student on campus that can sing in the treble range. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 46001. Opera Theatre V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Opera Theatre IV. Study of opera through performances of scenes, chamber and major operatic production. Admission with director's approval. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 44001. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 46301. Symphony Orchestra V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Symphony Orchestra IV. Large, select orchestral ensemble setting with a focus on the study and performance of a range of symphonic literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced players; by audition only. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 44301. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 46501. Schola Cantorum V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Schola Cantorum IV. Large, select choral ensemble with focus on the study and performance of a range of choral literature. Emphasis on high artistic standards through style and interpretation. Enrollment limited to more experienced singers; by audition only. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 44501. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 46601. Wind Symphony V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Wind Symphony IV. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 44601. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 46701. Jazz Orchestra V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Jazz Performance Laboratory IV. Training in the various styles of jazz and popular music. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Admission by audition. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 44701. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 46901. Wind Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Wind Ensemble III. Large ensemble setting performing orchestral wind and symphonic band literature with emphasis on high performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUEN 16901.
MUEN 47201. Clarinet Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Clarinet Ensemble III. Study and performance of music for multiple clarinets, including trios, quartets, quintets, and clarinet choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 47301. Saxophone Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Saxophone Ensemble III. Study and performance of music for multiple saxophones, including trios, quartets, quintets, and saxophone choir. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 47401. Chamber Orchestra IV. 1 Hour.
Explores the string orchestra literature with a focus on proficient string orchestra performance practices and effective music preparation strategies. Explores balance, blend, articulation, style, and rehearsal technique that is inherent to a string ensemble or a string section. Prerequisite: Senior standing and instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 47601. New Music Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of New Music Ensemble III. Small, select ensemble with emphasis on music written in the last hundred years, especially by important living composers. Focus on audience engagement through high performance standards, unconventional settings, and programs unique to the region. Off-campus appearances and outreach activities are required. Admission by consent. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 47701. Trombone Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Trombone Ensemble III. Study and performance of music for multiple trombones, including trios, quartets, quintets, and trombone choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 47801. Tuba Ensemble IV. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Tuba Ensemble III. Study and performance of music for multiple combinations of tuba and euphonium, including trios, quartets quintets, and low brass choir. Rehearsal 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: Senior standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 48001. Chamber Music V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Chamber Music IV. Performance of small ensemble music for any combination of instruments and/or voice. Rehearsal 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 45001. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 48101. Symphonic Band V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Symphonic Band IV. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 45101 and director's consent. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 48301. Concert Band V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Concert Band IV. Large ensemble setting with emphasis on performing wind band literature and enhancing the musicianship of members. Focus on performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public may be required. Admission is by audition or special approval. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 44901. (Typically offered: Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 48601. Wind Ensemble V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Wind Ensemble IV. Large ensemble setting performing orchestral wind and symphonic band literature with emphasis on high performance standards through style and interpretation. Concerts of high artistic merit which serve the campus community and general public are required. Admission is by audition. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 46901. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUEN 16901.
MUEN 48801. Chamber Choir V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Chamber Choir IV. Study and performance of vocal chamber music. Rehearsal 2 hours per week for 1 hour of credit. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 45801. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 48901. Women's Chorus V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Women's Chorus IV. Select performance-based choral ensemble designed to improve individual and collective vocal skills, develop sight-reading skills, improve the individual's grasp of the essential elements of music, and expose students to repertory of the greater treble chorus canon. Admission by audition or director's consent. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 45901. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUEN 49401. Marching Band V. 1 Hour.
Continuation of Marching Band IV. Large ensemble performs at football games. Emphasis on high performance standards and a variety of performing styles. Rehearsal 8 hours per week. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUEN 44401. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
Music History Courses
MUHS 35003. Jazz History. 3 Hours.
This course includes overviews of major jazz styles, significant musicians, related historical events, and critical approaches in the field of jazz studies. Students will build skills in active listening, transcription, and academic reading and writing while expanding their familiarity with musical techniques and the cultural history of jazz. Prerequisite: MUSC 10103 or MUSC 101H3. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUHS 37003. Music in Western Civilization. 3 Hours.
Introduction to the study of Western music, history, scholarship, and research methods. Analyzes musical monuments as aesthetic objects and considers their relation to such issues as exoticism, politics and religious belief, as well as the status of this canon in the early twenty-first century. Prerequisite: (MUSC 10103 or MUSC 101H3) and MUTH 16003 or instructor's consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUHS 37103. Topics in Musicology. 3 Hours.
Topics in Western, world, and popular musics. Prerequisite: ((MUSC 10103 or MUSC 101H3) and MUTH 16003) or instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.
MUHS 42503. Capstone Project Seminar. 3 Hours.
Develop a project related to a specific area of musical study. Options include musicological research papers, music theoretical analyses, music cognition research projects, performance lecture recitals, and recording projects with a written component. Prerequisite: MUHS 37003 and (MUHS 37103 or MUHS 35003). (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUHS 425H3. Honors Capstone Project Seminar. 3 Hours.
Develop a project related to a specific area of musical study. Options include musicological research papers, music theoretical analyses, music cognition research projects, performance lecture recitals, and recording projects with a written component. Prerequisite: MUHS 37003 and MUHS 37103 and honors standing. (Typically offered: Spring)
This course is equivalent to MUHS 42503.
MUHS 46203. Music History Review. 3 Hours.
Review of the central data and concepts of music history, with emphasis on individual periods as needed by students enrolled. Credit in this course may not count toward the Master of Music or Master of Education degree. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUHS 47003. Survey of String Literature. 3 Hours.
A survey of solo and chamber music literature involving stringed instruments. Prerequisite: MUAP 1100V and MUTH 36103. (Typically offered: Fall Even Years)
MUHS 47303. Survey of Symphonic Literature. 3 Hours.
A survey of the symphonic literature from its beginning to the present. (Typically offered: Fall Odd Years)
MUHS 47603. Survey of Vocal Literature I. 3 Hours.
A survey of concert literature for the solo voice. (Typically offered: Fall Even Years)
MUHS 47703. Survey of Vocal Literature II. 3 Hours.
A survey of concert literature for the solo voice. Prerequisite: MUHS 47603. (Typically offered: Spring Odd Years)
MUHS 47903. Band Literature. 3 Hours.
A study of literature written for performance by concert band, symphonic band, and wind ensemble, representative of the following five periods in Music History: Renaissance (1420-1600), Baroque (1600-1750), Classical (1750-1820), Romantic (1820-1900), and Contemporary (1900-present). (Typically offered: Irregular)
MUHS 48003. Survey of Keyboard Literature I. 3 Hours.
A survey of the piano works of outstanding composers. Prerequisite: MUAP 1100V. (Typically offered: Fall Even Years)
MUHS 48103. Survey of Keyboard Literature II. 3 Hours.
A survey of the piano works of outstanding composers. Prerequisite: MUHS 48003. (Typically offered: Spring Odd Years)
MUHS 4890V. Seminar in Music History. 1-4 Hour.
Subject matter not covered in other courses. With permission, may be repeated for credit if topics are different. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for degree credit.
MUHS 4990V. Independent Study in Musicology. 1-3 Hour.
Independent Study for additional in-depth instruction in various musicology topics. Prerequisite: Instructor Consent. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.
Music Industry Courses
MUIN 20101. Contemporary Commercial Songwriting. 1 Hour.
Introduction to the songwriting craft and profession by studying songwriting techniques, creating original songs, and exploring business aspects of the songwriting component of the music industry. No prior music courses or experience required. Instrumental, vocal, or music technology skills encouraged. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)
MUIN 32103. 21st Century Music Industry. 3 Hours.
An overview of the 21st-century music industry focusing on history, current developments, and foundational concepts. Includes an in-depth examination of the publishing, recording, and live entertainment components of the music industry as well as contemporary entrepreneurial pathways. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUIN 33103. The Art of Music Production. 3 Hours.
Foundational skills used in creating, editing, mixing, producing recordings using digital production techniques. Topics include properties of sound, tools of the audio trade, philosophy and methodology of recording, and how to manipulate sound in a variety of ways once captured. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUIN 34003. Composing for Film and Television. 3 Hours.
Develop the tools needed to create original music for visual media. Focuses on the aesthetics, procedures, and technical aspects of scoring for film and television. Completion of MUTH 36103 Form and 20th Century Techniques or MUTH 37203 Jazz Analysis is recommended. Prerequisite: (MUAC 21102 and MUTH 26003) or instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUIN 4050V. Independent Study in Music Industry. 1-3 Hour.
Students will complete a research project, a business or entrepreneurship project, or an artistic project working closely with faculty from multiple music industry disciplines. Prerequisite: MUIN 32103 and Instructor Consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit.
MUIN 41003. Legal Aspects of the Music Industry. 3 Hours.
Presents an in-depth look at the many types of legal agreements and concepts in the music industry commonly utilized by artists, composers, and corporations. Topics include copyright, trademark, recording contracts, management, publishing and licensing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUIN 45503. Live Music Business. 3 Hours.
The applied component of the live music business corresponding to the student-run record label services project in the department of music. Incorporates live music project cycles, digital marketing of live music, booking venues, routing tours, creating showcase events for student-run record label artists. Corequisite: Lab component. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUIN 45603. Artist Development. 3 Hours.
The applied component of the artist development side of the music department's student-run label services project. Students will work on project cycles involving selecting artists, recording and producing music, organizing music releases and media campaigns, creating online promotional strategies, and mapping the development of musical artists' careers. Corequisite: Lab component. (Typically offered: Spring)
Music Pedagogy Courses
MUPD 38001. Conducting I. 1 Hour.
A study of the elementary techniques of conducting instrumental and choral groups. Prerequisite: MUTH 26003. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUPD 38101. Conducting II: Instrumental Music. 1 Hour.
Continuation of study of the technique of conducting instrumental music groups. Prerequisite: MUPD 38001. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUPD 38601. Conducting II: Vocal Music. 1 Hour.
Continuation of study of conducting with emphasis on techniques of choral conducting. Prerequisite: MUPD 38001. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUPD 38701. Double Reed-Making. 1 Hour.
The making of reeds for oboe, and bassoon, including the processing of cane from tubes. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUPD 38803. Jazz Pedagogy. 3 Hours.
This course will provide future teachers with a sequenced method and resource materials to teach jazz songs, style, and improvisation by ear and from sheet music in instrumental and vocal ensembles. The course will also address ensemble rehearsal techniques and teaching individual students. The teaching content includes a variety of songs from the jazz tradition appropriate for students in middle school, high school, and college, along with tools for assessment of student progress. (Typically offered: Irregular)
MUPD 39701. Single Reed-Making. 1 Hour.
Instruction in single reed-making for woodwind instruments. Primarily for saxophone and clarinet instruments. Prerequisite: Instructor Consent. (Typically offered: Fall) May be repeated for up to 2 hours of degree credit.
MUPD 4770V. Special Topics in Pedagogy. 1-6 Hour.
Subject matter not covered in other sources. With permission, may be repeated for credit if topics are different. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for degree credit.
MUPD 4810V. Conducting. 1-4 Hour.
Private lessons of 1/2 hour, and one hour conducting laboratory each week. Development of skills in conducting symphony, opera, oratorio, ballet and band repertoire. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for degree credit.
MUPD 48603. Piano Pedagogy. 3 Hours.
Analytical study and discussion of the various approaches to piano pedagogy and its application in individual/class instruction. Involves demonstration of principles through actual teaching of beginning, intermediate and upper level students. (Typically offered: Spring Even Years)
MUPD 4890V. Independent Study in Music Pedagogy. 1-3 Hour.
Independent Study for additional in-depth instruction in various music pedagogy topics. Prerequisite: Instructor Consent. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.
Music Theory Courses
MUTH 10003. Basic Musicianship. 3 Hours.
Introductory-level studies in music theory and aural perception for students not prepared for MUTH 16003 or MUTH 16201. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUTH 16003. Music Theory I. 3 Hours.
A study of diatonic harmonic practice. Includes part-writing and analysis. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUTH 10003 or instructor consent. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUTH 16201. Aural Perception I. 1 Hour.
Development of aural perception through ear training, sight singing, and keyboard harmony. Meets 2 hours per week. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUTH 16301. Aural Perception II. 1 Hour.
Continued development of aural perception through ear training, sight singing, and keyboard harmony. Meets 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUTH 16201. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUTH 1640V. Composition I. 1-4 Hour.
Private lessons of one-half hour, and one hour of composition laboratory session each week. Development of skills in creative musical expression. Specifically for composition-theory majors. Others admitted by consent. Prerequisite: Music theory or composition major. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUTH 26003. Music Theory II. 3 Hours.
A continuation of MUTH 16003. Also includes chromatic harmony. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUTH 16003. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUTH 26201. Aural Perception III. 1 Hour.
A continuation of MUTH 16301. Two hours per week, one hour credit. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUTH 16301. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUTH 26301. Aural Perception IV. 1 Hour.
A continuation of MUTH 26201. Two hours per week, one hour credit. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUTH 26201. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUTH 2640V. Composition II. 1-4 Hour.
Continuation of Composition I. Private lessons of one-half hour, and one hour of composition laboratory session per credit hour each week. Continued development of skills in creative musical expression. Specifically for composition-theory majors. Others admitted by consent. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUTH 1640V with grades of "B" and recommendation of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUTH 36003. 18th Century Counterpoint. 3 Hours.
A study of 18th century counterpoint. Writing and analysis of inventions, canons, fugues, etc. Three hours per week. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUTH 26003. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUTH 36103. Form and 20th Century Techniques. 3 Hours.
A study of the harmonic and melodic trends of the 20th century. Three hours per week. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUTH 26003. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUTH 3640V. Composition III. 1-4 Hour.
Continuation of Composition II. Private lessons of one-half hour, and one hour of composition laboratory session per credit hour each week. Continued development of advanced skills in creative musical expression. Specifically for composition-theory majors. Others admitted by consent. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUTH 2640V with grades of B and recommendation of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUTH 364HV. Honors Composition III. 1-4 Hour.
Continuation of Composition II for honors students. Private lessons of one-half hour, and one hour of composition laboratory session per credit hour each week. Continued development of advanced skills in creative musical expression. Specifically for honors composition-theory majors. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUTH 2640V with grades of "B", recommendation of instructor and honors standing. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUTH 3640V.
MUTH 37203. Jazz Analysis. 3 Hours.
This course is an introduction to jazz analysis. Course content will include lead sheet symbols, jazz progressions, lead sheet analysis, improvisation, phrasing and meter, and aural skills. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUTH 26003. (Typically offered: Irregular)
MUTH 37303. Functional Jazz Piano. 3 Hours.
This course is intended for both jazz pianists and non-pianists and provides methods for common jazz piano voicings. Through practical applications and drills, the students will be familiar with a variety of common voicings techniques, including (but not limited to): 1) "shell" voicing, 2) two-note critical tone voicings (both with roots and rootless), 3) three-note left-hand voicings, and 4) four-part "drop 2" voicings. Also, this course will provide basic techniques for improvisation. Prerequisite: MUTH 16003 and MUTH 16201, both with grades of C or better. (Typically offered: Irregular)
MUTH 37402. Jazz Arranging. 2 Hours.
This course introduces students to techniques in arranging for small and large jazz ensembles. Students will analyze representative examples of various jazz styles, learn technical features of common jazz instruments, experiment with common approaches to arranging, and write their own arrangements of jazz standards for small ensemble and big band. Prerequisite: MUTH 26003. (Typically offered: Irregular)
MUTH 43202. Score Reading. 2 Hours.
A conductor's approach to the technique of score reading and analysis of orchestra, band, and choral scores for the purpose of preparing composition for rehearsal and performance. (Typically offered: Fall)
MUTH 46102. Orchestration. 2 Hours.
A continuation of study of the capabilities of the various orchestral and band instruments and their use in arrangement for ensembles, band, and orchestra. Scoring for orchestra. Prerequisite: MUTH 36103. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUTH 4620V. Music Theory Review. 1-3 Hour.
A continuation and intensification of undergraduate music theory. (May not count for credit toward the Master of Music degree.) (Typically offered: Fall)
MUTH 4640V. Composition IV. 1-4 Hour.
Continuation of Composition III. Private lessons of one-half hour and one hour of composition laboratory session per credit hour each week. Continued development of advanced skills in creative musical expression. Specifically for composition-theory majors. Others admitted by consent. Prerequisite: Two semesters of MUTH 3640V with grades of "B" and recommendation of instructor. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
MUTH 47003. Writing Music Analysis. 3 Hours.
Analysis of music with an emphasis on analytical writing skills and the use of library source materials. Prerequisite: MUTH 36003. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUTH 4770V. Special Topics in Music Theory. 1-4 Hour.
Subject matter not covered in other courses. Prerequisite: Instructor consent. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for degree credit.
MUTH 477HV. Honors Special Topics in Music Theory. 1-4 Hour.
Subject matter not covered in other courses. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 8 hours of degree credit.
This course is equivalent to MUTH 4770V.
MUTH 4980V. Senior Thesis. 1-18 Hour.
Senior Thesis. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)
MUTH 4990V. Independent Study in Music Theory. 1-3 Hour.
Independent Study for additional in-depth instruction in various music theory topics. Prerequisite: Instructor Consent. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.
Music Courses
MUSC 10003. Experiencing Music (ACTS Equivalency = MUSC 1003). 3 Hours.
Examines how music reflects and impacts culture while familiarizing students with various musical styles, forms and ideas. Develops listening skills and introduces basic music vocabulary and fundamentals. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)
MUSC 100H3. Honors Experiencing Music. 3 Hours.
Examines how music reflects and impacts culture while familiarizing students with various musical styles, forms and ideas. Develops listening skills and introduces basic music vocabulary and fundamentals. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
This course is equivalent to MUSC 10003.
MUSC 10103. Music and Society. 3 Hours.
Introduction to academic study of Western art music, jazz, popular music, and world music. Students will gain experience in guided listening and in reading, writing, and critical thinking about musical cultures and their roles in society. Required for music majors. Prerequisite: Music major or music minor or instructor consent. (Typically offered: Spring)
MUSC 101H3. Honors Music and Society. 3 Hours.
Introduction to academic study of Western art music, jazz, popular music, and world music. Students will gain experience in guided listening and in reading, writing, and critical thinking about musical cultures and their roles in society. Required for music majors. Prerequisite: Music major or music minor and honors standing or instructor consent. (Typically offered: Fall)
This course is equivalent to MUSC 10103.
MUSC 13303. Popular Music. 3 Hours.
Covers the history of popular music during the 20th and 21st centuries within its social and cultural contexts. Examines the origins, evolution, and stylistic features of prominent popular genres, such as country, rock, blues, hip hop, and soul. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
MUSC 392H3. Honors Colloquium in Music. 3 Hours.
Covers a special topic or issue offered as part of the honors program. Prerequisite: Honors candidacy (not restricted to candidacy in Music). (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 9 hours of degree credit.
MUSC 490HV. Honors Essay. 1-6 Hour.
An honors research paper in Music History or literature, Ethnomusicology, Music Theory, or Music Education. Open to seniors in honors. (Typically offered: Irregular)
MUSC 4990V. Independent Study in Music. 1-3 Hour.
Independent Study for additional in-depth instruction in various music topics. Prerequisite: Instructor Consent. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.