Semester Plans

The university provides semester-by-semester plans to help students complete their degrees in a timely manner. Immediately following are links to plans that qualify for the university's Eight-Semester Degree Completion Policy. Below them are plans that do not qualify for the eight-semester policy but which also provide a road map to finishing most degrees in four years. Following those are plans for professional programs that usually take five years.

Eight-Semester Plans

Four-Year Plans

The following plans do not qualify for the Eight-Semester Degree Completion Policy, usually because they require a summer internship or field course, and, therefore, take nine semesters, or they have specific mid-program admission requirements that exempt the program. However the plans below do offer students a road map to complete their degree in four years.

Five-Year Plans

The following plans do not qualify for the Eight-Semester Degree Completion Policy, in part because they are intended to be five-year professional programs. However, these plans offer students a road map to complete their degree in five years.