Resiliency Center

Marty Matlock
Executive Director for the Resiliency Center
Vol Walker Hall, suite 120

The mission of the University of Arkansas Resiliency Center, established in 2018, is to inspire current generations to better understand the interconnectedness of economic, social, and environmental systems; to integrate this understanding into knowledge and technological innovation through interdisciplinary research; and to transform the systems upon which our prosperity depends, to make our region, state, and world more resilient and sustainable.

The goal of the center will be to expand understanding of the resilient elements of food, water and urban systems that support economic and social prosperity for Arkansas and the world. The center will focus on the challenge of food and water systems to support human prosperity across local to global scales, and community design to support human health and community resilience. The Resiliency Center will leverage existing global research leadership within the University of Arkansas by strategic partnerships with business and industry supply chains to create more responsive and implementable solutions to complex challenges at the interface of food, water, and logistics.

The center will serve as a focal point for investigating new ways to quantify complex local-to-global processes that govern food, water and urban systems. The Resiliency Center will achieve this goal by coordinating interdisciplinary education, research, and outreach in food, water, and urban systems, with a focus on solving local problems that have global applications.