Center for Excellence in Engineering Logistics and Distribution

Burak Eskioglu, director
Bell Engineering 4207

Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution website

The Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution (CELDi) is a multi-university, multidisciplinary, National Science Foundation sponsored Industry/University Cooperative Research Center located in the Department of Industrial Engineering. CELDi emerged in 2001 from The Logistics Institute (1994) to provide integrated solutions to logistics problems, through research related to modeling, analysis, and intelligent-systems technologies. Research endeavors are driven and sponsored by representatives from a broad range of member organizations, including manufacturing, maintenance, distribution, transportation, information technology, and consulting. Partner universities include the University of Missouri, Clemson University, Virginia Tech and University of California Berkeley. This partnership among academic institutions and industry represents the effective integration of private and public sectors to enhance a U.S. competitive edge in the global market place.

CELDi helps industry partners excel by leveraging their supply chain to achieve a distinguishable, sustainable difference. Member companies realize a measurable return on their investment by creating competitive value chains in terms of cost and service quality. Through basic research, collaborative applied research with industry, technology transfer, and education, CELDi is a catalyst for developing the engineering logistics methodology necessary for logistics value chain optimization.