Arkansas Security Research and Education Insitute

Jia Di, director
523 J.B. Hunt Transport Services Center for Academic Excellence

Co-directors: Chase Rainwater, Steve Ricke and Dale Thompson

The University of Arkansas is well-positioned to become a leader in the state and nation in contributing to the research for security solutions and the training of students to become future security workforce. The Arkansas Security Research and Education Institute covers four research thrusts of security: cyber, transportation, critical infrastructure, and food and water. Working closely with local industry, the institute initiates and facilitates multidisciplinary collaborations among departments and colleges, leveraging the research strengths in existing on-campus centers such as the Center for Information Security and Reliability, the Mack-Blackwell National Rural Transportation Center, the Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution, the National Center for Reliable Electric Power Transmission,  and Center for Food Safety among others.