Communication Sciences and Disorders (CDIS)

Steven Wheeler
Department Head
606 N. Razorback Road

Larry Aslin
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
606 N. Razorback Road
Room 272, Epley Center for Health Professions

Speech and Hearing Clinic
Epley Center for Health Professions
606 N. Razorback Road

An undergraduate major in communication sciences and disorders leads to the B.S. degree and prepares students for graduate studies (master’s level) in speech-language pathology and/or the professional doctorate in audiology. The minimum requirements for all students in the college are listed under general studies.


CSDI 22503. Introduction to Communicative Disorders. 3 Hours.

An introductory course which surveys the professional interests of speech-language pathology and audiology with specific attention to the general recognition and classification of disorders of speech, language, and hearing, and general trends in rehabilitation. Consideration given to the classroom teacher's involvement in communication disorders. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

CSDI 290H3. Honors Introduction to Research in Communication Sciences and Disorders. 3 Hours.

This course introduces students to the research process in the field of communication sciences and disorders. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the COEHP Honors Program and instructor consent. (Typically offered: Spring)

CSDI 31003. Introduction to Audiology. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the basic concepts for administering and interpreting hearing tests, including the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, disorders of the ear, and techniques for administering and interpreting basic pure tone threshold tests. Corequisite: PHYS 10243 and PHYS 10241, PHYS 20103 and PHYS 20101 or CHEM 12103 and CHEM 12101. Pre- or Corequisite: CSDI 32103. Prerequisite: CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

CSDI 310H3. Honors Introduction to Audiology. 3 Hours.

Introduction to the basic concepts for administering and interpreting hearing tests, including the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, disorders of the ear, and techniques for administering and interpreting basic pure tone threshold tests. Corequisite: PHYS 10243 and PHYS 10241, PHYS 20103 and PHYS 20101 or CHEM 12103 and CHEM 12101. Pre- or Corequisite: CSDI 32103. Prerequisite: CDISBS major and honors standing, or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
This course is equivalent to CSDI 31003.

CSDI 31203. Normal Phonology and Articulatory Process. 3 Hours.

Analysis of the English speech sounds as a basis for speech improvement; physiological positions and movements; acoustic qualities and transcription in the international phonetic alphabet. Prerequisite: CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall)

CSDI 32003. Articulation Disorders. 3 Hours.

A study of the definition, etiology, pathology, and treatment procedures of problems of articulation. Prerequisite: CSDI 31203, CSDI 32103 and CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Spring)

CSDI 32103. Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism. 3 Hours.

Structure and function of the organic mechanisms responsible for speech and language. Pre or Corequisite: BIOL 10103 and BIOL 10101 or higher. Prerequisite: CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

CSDI 32203. Language Development in Children. 3 Hours.

Study of typical development of speech and language functions for communicative purposes in children from infancy to early school-age years, including the major components of language as well as the social, cognitive, biological and cultural factors related to language acquisition. Pre- or Corequisite: PSYC 20003. Prerequisite: CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall)

CSDI 322H3. Honors Language Development in Children. 3 Hours.

Study of typical development of speech and language functions for communicative purposes in children from infancy to early school-age years, including the major components of language as well as the social, cognitive, biological, and cultural factors related to language acquisition. Pre- or Corequisite: PSYC 20003. Prerequisite: Honors candidacy and CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall)
This course is equivalent to CSDI 32203.

CSDI 32303. Introduction to Clinical Practice. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the various aspects of clinical operations including technical and interpersonal relationship skills necessary for case management and a survey of professional standards. Pre- or Corequisite: SPCH 10003, CSDI 32203, and CSDI 32103. Prerequisite: CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

CSDI 323H3. Honors Introduction to Clinical Practice. 3 Hours.

An introduction to the various aspects of clinical operations including technical and interpersonal relationship skills necessary for case management and a survey of professional standards. Pre- or Corequisite: SPCH 10003, CSDI 32203, and CSDI 32103. Prerequisite: Honors standing and CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
This course is equivalent to CSDI 32303.

CSDI 32503. Culturally Responsive Practice in Communication Sciences and Disorders. 3 Hours.

An introduction to various cultures, customs, and professional standards in health-related fields that helps to develop intercultural communication skills necessary to manage the increasingly diverse caseloads of health-related professionals. Pre- or Corequisite: SPCH 10003. Prerequisite: CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Spring)

CSDI 390H1. Honors Communication Disorders Thesis Tutorial. 1 Hour.

Designed to provide the foundation for the Honors Thesis/Project. Students and faculty tutors work "one-on-one" exploring a specific topic which has been agreed upon by the student and the professor. Prerequisite: Honors candidacy and CDISBS major. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)

CSDI 392H3. Honors Colloquium. 3 Hours.

Treats a special topic or issue, offered as part of the honors program. Prerequisite: Honors candidacy (not restricted to candidacy in speech or dramatic art). (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for degree credit.

CSDI 399HV. Honors Course. 1-6 Hour.

Honors course. Prerequisite: Junior standing. (Typically offered: Irregular) May be repeated for up to 12 hours of degree credit.

CSDI 40003. Clinical Practicum Undergrad. 3 Hours.

Entry-level training in speech-language clinical practicum activities. This course is taken for satisfactory or unsatisfactory credit. Students are paired with a patient(s) at the UA Speech and Hearing Clinic to provide speech-language therapy while being supervised by a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist. The schedule for this course varies based on patient availability. Students are required to be on campus to provide clinical services (including session preparation) and to complete follow-up meetings with the instructor to discuss clinical practice and paperwork. Prerequisite: Admitted to the Communication Sciences and Disorders (CDISBS) major, CSDI 32103, CSDI 32203 and CSDI 32303, plus satisfactory completion of specific program requirements for admission to clinical practice. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer)

CSDI 400H3. Honors Clinical Practicum Undergrad. 3 Hours.

Entry-level training in speech-language clinical practicum activities. This course is taken for satisfactory or unsatisfactory credit. Prerequisite: Honors standing, admitted to the Communication Sciences and Disorders (CDISBS) major, CSDI 32103, CSDI 32203 and CSDI 32303, plus satisfactory completion of specific program requirements for admission to clinical practice. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)
This course is equivalent to CSDI 40003.

CSDI 41303. Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation. 3 Hours.

Study of the technique used in the rehabilitation of speech and language problems of the hearing impaired including the role of amplification, auditory training, and speech reading in rehabilitation. Prerequisite: CSDI 31003. (Typically offered: Spring)

CSDI 41803. Clinical Assessment of Speech and Language Disorders. 3 Hours.

Study of the basic diagnostic procedures used in speech-language pathology. Emphasis is placed on the clinical processes of assessment, including criteria for test selection, techniques in test administration, and interpretation of test. Pre- or Corequisite: Prior coursework in CDIS and ANTH 10203. Prerequisite: CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Spring)

CSDI 42103. Introduction to Speech and Hearing Science. 3 Hours.

Study of the acoustic structure of oral speech and the auditory skills underlying speech perception. Prerequisite: CSDI 32003, CSDI 32103, CSDI 31203 and its lab component and CDISBS major or departmental consent. Pre- or Corequisite: MATH 11003 or higher. (Typically offered: Fall and Spring)

CSDI 42203. Language Disorders in Children. 3 Hours.

Study of disorders of language acquisition and usage in children and adolescents, with emphasis upon the nature, assessment, and treatment of such disorders. Prerequisite: CSDI 32203 and CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Spring)

CSDI 422H3. Honors Language Disorders in Children. 3 Hours.

Study of disorders of language acquisition and usage in children and adolescents, with emphasis upon the nature, assessment, and treatment of such disorders. Prerequisite: CSDI 32203 and CDISBS major and honors standing or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Spring)
This course is equivalent to CSDI 42203.

CSDI 42503. Neurological Bases of Communication. 3 Hours.

A study of the structures and functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems as they relate to human speech, language, and cognition. Prerequisite: CSDI 32103 and CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall)

CSDI 425H3. Honors Neurological Bases of Communication. 3 Hours.

A study of the structures and functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems as they relate to human speech, language, and cognition. Prerequisite: CSDI 32103, honors standing, and CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall)
This course is equivalent to CSDI 42503.

CSDI 42703. Communication Behavior and Aging. 3 Hours.

Study of the effects upon communication of normal aspects of the aging process, from early adulthood throughout the lifespan. Changes in speech, language, and hearing functioning are identified; common alterations in communicative disorders commonly associated with advanced age are discussed. Prerequisite: CDISBS major or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall)

CSDI 427H3. Honors Communication Behavior and Aging. 3 Hours.

Study of the effects upon communication of normal aspects of the aging process, from early adulthood throughout the lifespan. Changes in speech, language, and hearing functioning are identified; common alterations in communicative disorders commonly associated with advanced age are discussed. Prerequisite: CDISBS major and honors standing, or departmental consent. (Typically offered: Fall)
This course is equivalent to CSDI 42703.

CSDI 4900V. Special Problems. 1-3 Hour.

Special problems. Prerequisite: Advanced standing. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit.

CSDI 498HV. Honors Communication Disorders Thesis/Project. 1-3 Hour.

Designed to provide facilitation of the Honors Thesis/Project. Students and faculty work "one-on-one" to complete the honors thesis/project. Prerequisite: Honors candidacy, CDISBS major, and CSDI 390H1. (Typically offered: Fall, Spring and Summer) May be repeated for up to 3 hours of degree credit.