Special Education Transition Services

Suzanne Kucharczyk
Head, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
217 Peabody Hall
Email: suzannek@uark.edu

Renee Speight
Program Coordinator
410 Arkansas Avenue
Email: suzannek@uark.edu

Special Education Transition Services Online Program 

Graduate Certificate Offered:
Special Education Transition Services (nondegree) (SPTS)

Special Education Transition Services Graduate Certificate is designed to prepare school-based professionals (social workers, school psychologists, educational leaders, school counselors, special education teachers, and general education teachers) to provide transition services to students with disabilities. To be admitted, applicants must have a 3.0 GPA or higher in their last 60 hours of course work.

SPED 57103Career Development and Transition for People with Disabilities3
SPED 57603Teaching Students with Extensive Support Needs3
SPED 57803Professional and Family Partnerships3
SPED 64303Legal Aspects of Special Education3
SPED 5320VPracticum in Special Education3
Total Hours15

Dismissal Based on Unethical or Unprofessional Behaviors from Special Education Programs

The University of Arkansas’ teacher preparation programs adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession as established by the National Education Association as described in NEA Code of EthicsArkansas Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Code of Ethics, as well as discipline specific codes of ethics and standards found in program handbooks. Violation of these principles may result in probation, suspension, or dismissal of the internship as described:

  1. Any incident of ethical misconduct or concern will be documented by the faculty member(s), discussed directly with the student and their mentor, and referred to the program’s coordinator or supervising faculty.  It may also be reported to the Teacher Candidate Professional Review Committee.  
  2. The Teacher Candidate Professional Review Committee evaluates the concerns and recommends a course of action, which may range from a zero score on the academic and/or internship work, a failing grade for the course, probation, up to dismissal from a teacher education program.  
  3. Any candidate may be suspended by a Teacher Education Program Coordinator for extreme, unforeseen circumstances such as endangerment of students or others, disruption of schools or classes, felonious behaviors, or ethical violations (i.e. Arkansas Code of Ethics, Code of Student Life). Such suspensions will be referred to the Teacher Candidate Professional Review Committee for review and may become permanent.

The Program Coordinator, in consultation with the Teacher Education Professional Review Committee and the Graduate School, has the authority and responsibility to dismiss a student from the teacher education program for unethical or unprofessional behavior and/or not recommend the student for licensure.

More detailed guidelines about the policies, supports, and other requirements are provided in the program’s handbook, as well as on the Educator Development Hub.

“Students who have been dismissed by the program on the basis of unethical or unprofessional conduct may appeal the decision following the procedures outlined under the Unethical and Unprofessional Conduct policy contained in the Graduate Catalog of Studies.”