Urban and Regional Planning (PLAN)

Patty Folan, Landscape Architecture
WALK 304

Requirements for Urban and Regional Planning Minor

A student who is interested in the Urban and Regional Planning minor should notify either the Departments of Landscape Architecture or Political Science and consult with their academic advisor. The minor consists of 18 hours of required and elective courses and subdivided into three tiers: core courses, tier-one electives and tier-two electives. The minor’s required and elective courses include:

Required Core Courses:
PLSC 41003Introduction to Urban Planning3
LARC 54903Environmental Land Use Planning3
Tier-One Electives6-12
Select 6-12 hours from the following:
LARC-approved design studio focused on planning (may only count once)
LARC Advocacy Module focused on planning
Anthropology of the City
Community Development
Special Topics
Urban Geography
Urban Politics
Incremental Sprawl Repair
Special Studies
Urban Sociology
Tier-Two Electives (up to six hours of electives may come from the following options)0-6
Landscape Architecture Theory
Sustaining Earth
American Public Lands & Policy
Environmental Justice
Historic Landscape Preservation
Cultural Resource Management I
Ecosystems Assessment
Ecosystems Assessment Laboratory
Environmental Ethics
Principles of Environmental Economics
Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations
History of Urban Form
DELIVER: Transportation and Distribution Management
Total Hours18