Healthcare Business Analytics (HCBA)

Elizabeth Keiffer
Interim Program Director
Business Building

Susan Bristow
Associate Director
Business Building

Degrees Conferred:
Master of Healthcare Business Analytics (HCBAMA)

The Master of Healthcare Business Analytics (M.H.B.A.) degree is a professional 30-hour degree focusing on business analytics applications in the healthcare industry and healthcare analytics applications. The curriculum addresses barriers and facilitators to adoption of new procedures in the healthcare environment, as well as how analytics can achieve modern healthcare system goals: high-quality, responsive, affordable, and efficient care.

Healthcare systems capture enormous amounts of information (such as electronic health records, billing information, patient wait times, supply records) as well as more novel forms of data (such as chronic disease monitoring and radio-frequency identification tracking).  Managerial issues include how to influence electronic data users to employ analytics consistently for improving healthcare delivery, managing the reporting and sharing of data, and leveraging data and resources to improve health at a manageable cost.

This degree program is designed to provide professional preparation for positions in healthcare business, government, and public service.  Sufficient flexibility is provided to meet the needs of students with various backgrounds and foster lifelong learning and innovation.