Fee and General Information

Educational expenses will vary according to a student’s course of study, personal needs, and place of residence. Student progress or general course of action in pursuit of higher education at the University of Arkansas is determined during the application and acceptance process. At the conclusion of the application and acceptance process, the progress or general course of action for each student will be assigned a category, called a career.

The career categories at the University of Arkansas — in order of magnitude by the cost of tuition per credit hour — are Agricultural & Food Law, Law, Graduate, and Undergraduate. Students concurrently enrolled in multiple careers will be assigned one primary career for all tuition billing purposes, called a billing career, based on the order of magnitude listed above. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for assigning the appropriate billing career. Students pursing an Undergraduate career will also be classified by undergraduate program. The undergraduate programs of College of Education and Health Professions' plan of Nursing and the Fay Jones School of Architecture and Design's undergraduate program of Architecture have specific tuition rates, while all other undergraduate programs are the Undergraduate tuition rate. Similar to career, although a student may be concurrently enrolled in multiple undergraduate programs, the Office of the Registrar will assign each student only one primary undergraduate program for tuition billing purposes based on the order of magnitude by the cost of tuition per credit hour. All fees, charges, and costs quoted in this catalog are subject to change without notice. A survey tool for tuition and fee estimation is available at the Treasurer's website.

Financial obligations to the University of Arkansas must be satisfied by the established deadlines. Echeck (electronic check) and credit/debit payments are made online at UAConnect. If you pay with a debit or credit card, there is a convenience fee charged of 1.8 percent.

Acceptance of payment for fees does not imply academic acceptance to the university.

Estimated Necessary Expenses for an Academic Year

Estimates of necessary expenses for the 2024-25 academic year for a typical graduate student taking 24 credit hours at the University of Arkansas:

Fee Graduate Resident Graduate Non-Resident
Tuition* $10,710.00 $29,132.00
University Fees** $1,760.00 $1,760.00
Books $1,154.00 $1,154.00
Personal Expenses $3,288.00 $3,288.00
Transportation $2,640.00 $2,640.00
Room*** $9,084.00 $9,084.00
Board*** $5,160.00 $5,160.00
TOTAL**** $33,796.00 $52,218.00

The standard graduate in-state tuition rate is $446.29 per credit hour. Students enrolled in College of Business courses are charged $614.96 per credit hour in-state tuition. Students enrolled in College of Engineering courses are charged $553.40 per credit hour in-state tuition.  Nursing students are charged $594.77 per credit hour in-state tuition.


University fees per year include the following student-initiated and student-approved fees:

Student Activity fee, calculated at $2.64/credit hour — $63.00
Student Health fee, calculated at $8.07/credit hour — $194.00
Media fee, calculated at $0.90/credit hour — $27.00
Transit fee, calculated at $4.62/credit hour — $111.00
Network Infrastructure and Data Systems fee, calculated at $13.10/credit hour — $315.00
Facilities fee, calculated at $24.85/credit hour — $596.00
Library fee, calculated at $4.68/credit hour — $112.32
College of Arts and Sciences fee, $14.46/credit hour — $347.04


Weighted average expenses for living in a residence hall, double occupancy, with an unlimited meal plan. Actual room and board fees vary.


Budget amounts were adjusted for rounding to accommodate UAConnect budgetary rules.

When paying tuition, room and board, and associated fees, anticipated financial aid for a current semester may be deducted when it is listed as anticipated aid on the student's account. Students receiving financial aid are strongly encouraged to have sufficient personal funds available to purchase books and to meet necessary expenses for at least one month at the start of school as some aid funds may not be available for disbursement.

The latest information regarding costs and other aspects of university life may be obtained by calling or writing the Office of Graduate and International Recruitment, 213 Gearhart Hall, 1 University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701. In Arkansas, call 479-575-6246; from outside of Arkansas, call toll-free 1-866-234-3957.

Tuition Fees

Students classified as “in-state” for fee payment purposes are assessed tuition. Students classified as “out-of-state” for fee payment purposes are assessed additional non-resident tuition.

Official policies of the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees provide the basis for classifying students as either “in-state” or “out-of-state” for purposes of paying student fees. Board policies relating to residency status for fee payment purposes are included at the end of this chapter of the catalog. Out-of-state students who question their residency classification are encouraged to contact the Registrar’s Office, 146 Silas H. Hunt Hall, for more information about residency classification review procedures.

Academic Year

Graduate students are assessed tuition of $446.29 per credit hour. Students with out-of-state residency status are assessed tuition of $1,213.82 per credit hour.

Graduate students enrolled in the Walton College of Business courses are charged tuition of $614.96 per credit hour in-state and $1,722.58 per credit hour for out-of-state students.

Graduate students enrolled in College of Engineering courses are charged tuition of $553.40 per credit hour in-state and $1,505.14 per credit hour for out-of-state students.

Graduate nursing students are assessed tuition of $594.77 per credit hour. Students with out-of-state residency status are assessed tuition of $1,617.65 per credit hour.

Graduate occupational therapy students are assessed tuition of $496.83 per credit hour. Students with out-of-state residency status are assessed tuition of $1,345.16 per credit hour.

Graduate public health students are assessed tuition of $468.18 per credit hour. Students with out-of-state residency are assessed tuition of $1039.36 per credit hour.

Graduate students enrolled in the specific distance education programs of Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.), Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (M.S.E.E.), Master of Science in Engineering Management (M.S.E.M.), and Master of Science in Operations Management (M.S.O.M.) are assessed tuition of $313.00 per credit hour for in-state and out-of-state residency status.

Graduate students enrolled in the specific distance education program of Great Plains and Agricultural Interactive Distance Education Alliance are assessed tuition of $610.00 per credit hour for in-state and out-of-state residency status.

Graduate students enrolled in the specific distance education program of Master of Science in Food Safety are assessed tuition of $500.00 per credit hour for in-state and out-of-state residency status.

Fee Adjustments

A currently enrolled student who has registered during the advance registration period should make any necessary or desired schedule adjustments such as adding or dropping courses or changing course sections during the schedule-adjustment period of the same semester. Students who drop classes will have their fees adjusted according to Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 330.0 – Tuition and Fee Adjustment Policy for Dropping Classes. Drops and withdrawals are two different functions. In a drop process, the student remains enrolled. The result of the withdrawal process is that the student is no longer enrolled for the term. Fee adjustment deadlines for an official withdrawal are noted in Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 518.0 – Tuition and Fee Adjustment Policy for Official Withdrawal.

Student Invoices

Students who pre-register for a semester will be invoiced approximately six weeks prior to the first day of classes. The Treasurer’s Office will send out an e-mail notification when the student invoices are available on UAConnect. Students should log into UAConnect, navigate to the Treasurer's Office tile, and click the ‘Student Invoice’ link.

Late Fees

Students are required to pay all charges by the posted payment deadline. Students who fail to pay all charges or who fail to execute an installment payment plan by the deadline may be assessed a late payment fee equal to the outstanding balance, not to exceed $75.00.

Any student with an outstanding balance, to include registration-related fees and/or housing charges, by the last payment deadline will be assessed an additional late payment fee equal to the outstanding balance, not to exceed $75.00.

The late fee will not be waived because an invoice was not received.

Disbursement of Refunds

Disbursement of refunds due to overpayments by scholarships, loans, and/or grants will begin approximately five days prior to the start of classes. The University of Arkansas delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit the BankMobile Disbursements site for more information.


Students may create a check address, which will be used specifically for overpayment checks. This address may be created in addition to the local and permanent addresses. If a check address is not created, the default address will be the permanent address. The student may change their address on UAConnect in the Student Center.

Teaching Equipment and Laboratory Enhancements Fees

These fees provide and maintain state-of-the-art classroom equipment and instructional laboratory equipment. These fees vary, based upon the student’s college of enrollment.

During the regular fall, spring and summer academic semesters, these fees are assessed on a per credit hour basis.

College or School Per Credit Hour Fee
Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences $27.20
Architecture General Education $34.93
Arts And Sciences $14.41
Business $17.28
Education and Health Professions $17.04
Engineering $35.87

Students Called into Active Military Service

When a student or student’s spouse is activated for full-time military service and is required to cease attending the University of Arkansas without completing and receiving a grade in one or more courses, they shall receive compensation for the resulting monetary loss as provided by Fayetteville Policy 504.2. The student must cease attendance because 1) the student is activated or deployed by the military or 2) the student’s spouse is activated or deployed by the military and the student or student’s spouse has dependent children residing in the household.

To be eligible for the compensation, the student must provide, prior to activation or deployment for military service, an original or official copy of the military activation or deployment orders to the university's Veterans Resource and Information Center. A student whose spouse is a service member shall provide proof of registration with the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) of the U.S. Department of the Defense that establishes that dependent children reside in the household of the student and the service member.

Upon leaving the University of Arkansas because of active duty or deployment, the student may choose one of three compensatory options. The student may officially withdraw and receive full adjustment and refund of tuition and non-consumable fees for the term involved; the student can remain enrolled and arrange for a mark of “Incomplete” for each class and finish the courses 12 months after deactivation; or the student may receive free tuition and fees for one semester after deactivation. For more detailed information, read Fayetteville Policy 504.2.

Financial Assistance

Registration (in-state tuition) fees and Non-Resident Tuition for Graduate Assistants

Registration Fee. Any graduate student appointed to the position of Graduate Assistant whose appointment is equal to or greater than 50 percent may be granted registration fees (in-state tuition) in addition to the stipend.

Non-Resident Tuition. Any graduate student appointed to the position of Graduate Assistant whose percent appointment is equal to or greater than 25 percent shall, in addition to any stipend, be treated as an in-state student for tuition and fee purposes for the semester that they are on appointment.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate assistantships are available for qualified students in numerous fields and must be obtained from the department in which the student is majoring or another appropriate unit. Recipients of these appointments are expected to carry a limited program of graduate studies. Graduate students appointed to the position of graduate assistant whose appointment is equal to or greater than 25 percent shall, in addition to any stipend, be classified as an in-state student for tuition and fee purposes only. In addition, in-state registration (tuition) fees may be paid for appointees of 50 percent or more although tuition is normally not paid for audited courses. Successful applicants must have good academic records, adequate preparation for graduate study in their major field, regular admission to the Graduate School, and must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.85 on all work taken for graduate credit, although some departments may require their graduate assistants to maintain a higher grade point average. See probation policy below.

Graduate students on 50 percent appointment must be enrolled in a minimum of six hours of graduate credit in each fall and spring semester and a minimum of three hours during the summer if on summer appointment. For the full policy, see the Graduate School Handbook, available on the Graduate School website at grad.uark.edu.

Master’s students may hold a graduate assistantship for no more than six major (fall/spring) semesters; a doctoral student may hold a graduate assistantship for no more than ten major (fall/spring) semesters; a student who enters a doctoral program with only a baccalaureate degree may hold a graduate assistantship for no more than twelve major (fall/spring)  semesters. The department/program may petition the Graduate School for an extension to these time limits, on a case by case basis.

Application forms may be obtained from the Dean of the Graduate School or from the head or chair of the department in which the student seeks to do their major work.

Information on other financial aid (loans and employment) can be obtained at the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid in Hunt Hall.

Graduate School Fellowships

Exceptionally promising new entrants to doctoral programs may be nominated at the time of application for University Doctoral Fellowships. These Fellowships are awarded competitively, and the stipend may be held in addition to a graduate assistantship.

Students on academic probation who have been in residence at UA Fayetteville for two or more semesters will not be allowed to receive a doctoral fellowship.

The Benjamin Franklin Lever Fellowship is designed to enhance access to graduate education by providing financial assistance to students who meet one or more of the following criteria: have significant financial need, are first-generation college students, have a history of overcoming challenges, or originate from a geographic area that is less well-represented at the university. To accomplish these purposes, the program funds a limited number of fellowships to qualified incoming graduate students who enroll in an on-campus program at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville campus.

Contact the Graduate School, 340 N. Campus Drive, Gearhart Hall 213,  (479) 575-4401, for further information about the University Doctoral and the Benjamin Franklin Lever Fellowships.

Eligibility for Continuing Financial Aid

Graduate students are eligible for continuing financial aid through the Office of Financial Aid (e.g., student loans) if:

  1. the student completes, with grades of “C” or better, 67 percent of graduate courses attempted at the University, and
  2. the student has not yet completed more than 150 percent of the graduate credits required for his/her degree.

Students wishing to continue receiving financial aid who do not meet these requirements will petition the Student Aid Committee.

Academic Probation Policy for Graduate Students

Whenever a regularly admitted graduate student earns a cumulative grade-point average below 2.85 on graded course work taken in residence for graduate credit, he/she will be warned of the possibility of academic dismissal. When a graduate student has accumulated a minimum of 15 hours of graded course work taken in residence for graduate credit with a cumulative grade-point average below 2.85 and has received at least one warning, he/she will be academically dismissed from the Graduate School. This policy is effective with students entering the Graduate School in Fall 2002, or later. For the policy in effect before this time, contact the Graduate School.

Graduate teaching and research assistants and students on Lever, Doctoral, or other Graduate School fellowships must maintain a CGPA of at least 2.85 on all course work taken for graduate credit. If a student’s CGPA falls below 2.85 on six or more hours of graduate work (one full-time semester), notification will be sent to the students and their department. If the CGPA is below 2.85 at the end of the next major semester (fall or spring), the department will not be allowed to appoint the student to an assistantship until such time as their CGPA has been raised to the required level.

Veteran Benefits

The University of Arkansas is approved by the Arkansas Department of Education for veterans and veterans’ beneficiaries who are working toward a degree. Veterans of recent military service, service members, members of reserve units, and the dependents of certain other servicemen may be entitled to educational assistance payments under the following programs: Post 911, Title 38, Chapter 30, Montgomery GI Bill® for Veterans; Title 38, Chapter 32, Veterans Educational Assistance Program (VEAP); Title 38, Chapter 35, Survivors and Dependents Education; and Title 10, Chapter 106, Montgomery GI Selected Reserves.

All students must be working toward a degree and should follow the curriculum outline for their objectives since only specific courses may be applied toward VA certification and graduation. Persons eligible for educational benefits should contact the Office of the Registrar for information.

Waiver of Tuition and Fees for Senior Citizens

Arkansas residents who are 60 years of age or older and show proper proof of age may choose to have on-campus tuition and fees waived for on-campus courses under the senior citizen waiver of fees. Admission and enrollment under these conditions is open only on a “space available” basis in existing classes and students choosing to use this waiver may not register until just prior to the beginning of the term.

Room and Board

University Housing
(Rates are subject to change)

Housing for married students, students with family status, nontraditional, graduate, and law students is limited and requires early application.

Summer rates for room and board in university residence halls with unlimited meal plans for 2024 summer sessions are available through the Housing Office. Charges start on the requested move-in day and run through the date of check-out. Contact University Housing for information on meal plans 479-575-3951.

Specific questions concerning on-campus living may be directed to Residence Life and Dining Services 479-575-3951. Specific questions concerning sorority and fraternity living may be directed to the Office of Greek Affairs 479-575-4001.

Off-Campus Housing

Students eligible to live off-campus may contact local real estate offices for rental information or check offcampushousing.uark.edu.

Other General Fee Information

Checks tendered to the university are deposited immediately. The university does not accept postdated checks. Checks returned for “insufficient funds” (NSF checks) are generally presented for payment only once. Each check returned by a bank for any reason will be assessed a returned check fee. The university may, at its discretion, verify available bank funds for any checks written for payment of indebtedness before accepting a check.

The University of Arkansas reserves the right to withhold transcripts or priority registration privileges, to refuse registration, and to withhold diplomas for students or former students who have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the University. These services may also be denied students or former students who fail to comply with the rules governing the audit of student organization accounts or to return property entrusted to them.

Requests for exceptions to the university’s fees, charges, and refund policies must be made in writing. Instructions for submitting requests for exceptions to the various fees, charges, and refund policies of the University may be obtained as follows:

  • For residence life and dining services fees, charges, and refund policies contact Residence Life and Dining, Attention: Assistant Director for Business, Hotz Hall, Ninth Floor, (479) 575-3951.
  • For parking services fees, charges, and refund policies contact: Parking and Transit, Administrative Services Building, 155 Razorback Road, (479) 575-3507.
  • For all other fees, charges, and refunds, contact the Treasurer’s Office at 214 Arkansas Union, Attention: Treasurer.

Students receiving financial aid are strongly encouraged to have sufficient personal funds available to purchase books and to meet necessary expenses for at least one month at the start of school as some aid funds may not be available for disbursement.

Students are allowed to have automobiles at the university, although parking is quite limited. There is a parking permit and registration fee for each vehicle, varying in cost depending upon the parking option selected.


Title Description Amount**
FACILITIES FEE Provides support dedicated specifically to campus facilities needs, including major projects and deferred maintenance. $24.85
MEDIA FEE The University’s student publications, specifically the Arkansas Traveler newspaper and the Razorback yearbook, are partially funded by the media fee. Students reserving a copy are provided with a Razorback yearbook. $0.90
NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE AND DATA SYSTEMS FEE Provides support for the development and operation of the campus network, including electronic equipment, servers with software, and cabling. The network systems serve computer labs, academic and administrative buildings, residence halls and off-campus access facilities. Data systems will enable Web-based access to the University’s information systems for students, faculty, and staff. Also provides support for upgrades and replacement of the student information system. $13.10
STUDENT ACTIVITY FEE Empowers the Associated Student Government (ASG) to make funding available to over 300 Registered Student Organizations and program activities on campus to develop lasting friendships and leadership abilities and provide all students with a unique opportunity to participate in cultural, social, educational, and recreational events throughout the year. $2.99
STUDENT HEALTH FEE Covers Wellness and Health Promotion educational programs and healthy student behavior programs to maintain health and safety. Covers individual consultations with a certified wellness coach, consultation with a Registered Dietitian and consultation with an Orthopedic Specialist from the community. Student Health Fee also provides students access to sexual assault counseling, prevention and advocacy services. The Student Health Fee also covers several mental health services, such as 24-hour mental health emergency care, the cost for two intake assessments with a mental health clinician per semester, most group counseling sessions, case management/referral services, psychiatric nurse consultations, refill requests and outreach/advocacy. $8.07
TRANSIT FEE Helps fund the Razorback Bus Transit System, which services the campus and neighboring community year round. $4.62
LIBRARY FEE Provides additional support for library materials acquisitions $4.68

Assessed each academic semester for which the student is enrolled: fall, spring, and summer


Per Credit Hour

Program/Service Specific Fees

Program or Service Amount
English Language Placement Test (ELPT) $0.00
Graduation fees:
  • Graduation Application – Late Fee
  • Graduate Degree
I.D. Card — First card $24.00
  • Authentication fee (exclusively online students)
  • First card (exclusively online students)
  • Each replacement card
Returned Check Fee (per Fayetteville Policy 327.0) $31.00
Installment Payment Plan $40.00
International Graduate Orientation Fee $55.00
International Student (non-immigrant) Application fee $75.00
International Student per semester service fee (non-immigrants) $115.00
Sponsored Student Management Fee $390.00
International Visiting Student Program Fee Tier 1 $325.00
International Visiting Student Program Fee Tier 2 $390
Visiting Student Custom Program – Level 1 $100.00
Visiting Student Custom Program – Level 2 $300.00
Visiting Student Custom Program – Level 3 $600
Late payment:
  • On September 30 or February 28 if balance has not been paid
  • Additional fee at Nov. 30, April 30, and July 31 for fall, spring, and summer, respectively, if payment has not been made
Mandatory International Student Health Insurance $2,570.00/year
Late Registration Fee – Prior to Census Day $25.00
Late Registration Fee – After Census Day $50.00
Graduate Application Fee $75.00
Graduate Application Late Fee-Domestic $25.00
Graduate Application Late Fee-International $50.00
Graduate Credit for Prior Learning (per credit hour) $50
Graduate Document Processing Fee $30.00
Global Campus Fee $30.00
Global Campus Extension Fee $30.00
Infant Development Center for UA Student Families: (40 hrs/week)
  • Application Fee (non-refundable, one-time per child)
  • Materials per semester
  • Infants and 1 to 2 years old (full-time per month)
  • Older than 2 to 3 years old (full-time per month)
  • Older than 3 to 5 years old (full-time per month)
  • Older than 3 to 5 years old (part-time per month)
Summer Camp Participants – 1st-4th grade students (full-time per week) $300.00
Parking Permit (per vehicle)
  • Commuter
  • Student
  • Resident Reserved
  • Parking Garage Reserved
  • Motorcycle
  • Scooter
  • Scooter Reserved
Professional Liability Insurance (non-refundable, per course) $7.45
Professional Liability Insurance – Nurse Practitioners (non-refundable, per course) $23.88
Residence Hall nonrefundable application fee $40.00
Study Abroad Service Fee – Tier 1 $100.00/program
Study Abroad Service Fee – Tier 2 $200.00/program
Study Abroad Service Fee – Tier 3 $300.00/program
  • IELTS Registration Fee
  • Spoken Language Placement Test (SLPT)
  • Late Testing Registration Fee
  • Miller Analogies Test (MAT)
  • COEHP – Health Sciences Reasoning Test
  • ITEM Exam
  • Premium Online Proctored Exam "Take It Now" Fee
  • Premium Online Proctored Exam "Take It Soon" Fee
  • Proctoring Fee
  • Online Proctoring Fee for Credit by Exam
Transcript Fee (copy of permanent record) $10.00
Withdrawal from the University fee $45.00

College/Course Specific Fees

School of Architecture and Design

College Course(s) Amount
Graduate Residency Fee Summer Semester Only $100.00/semester
Studio Materials Fee ARDS 69006, ARDS 69106 $25.00/credit hour

College of Arts and Sciences

College Course(s) Amount
Certificate in Business French, Le Centre de Langue François FREN 43303, FREN 44303 $100.00/semester
Expendable ARTS, GDES, ARHS and ARED Consumables and Equipment Fee Per credit hour for all ARTS and GDES courses $90.00/credit hour
Expendable MUAC, MUED and MUEN Supplies and Instrument Repair/Maintenance All MUAC, MUED and MUEN courses $5.24/credit hour
Expendable THTR Supplies and Materials Per credit hour for all THTR courses $22.00/credit hour
Fifth-year Internship Fee (M.A.T.) MUED 4510V, MUED 4520V $100.00/semester
One-on-One Instruction and collaborative pianists for lessons, studio classes and performances All MUAP courses $50.00/credit
Program/Excursion Fee GEOS 4370V, GEOS 5370V $200.00/semester

College of Business

College Course Specific Fees
Computer Competency Assessment Test ISYS 1120 $58.50/course
Course Materials Fee – EMBA Including Graduate Certificate program in Business Analytics $100.00/credit hour
Course Materials Fee – MABA Master's Degree in Business Analytics $50.00/credit
Course Materials Fee – PMIS Including Graduate Certificate programs in Business Analytics, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Information Systems $50.00/credit hour
Program Fee – EMBA Including Graduate Certificate program in Business Analytics $528.39/credit hour
Program Fee - Full-Time M.B.A. M.B.A. Program $50.00/credit hour
Program Fee – HCBA $75.00/credit hour
Program Fee – MABA Master's Degree in Business Analytics $321.86/credit
Program Fee – PMIS Including Graduate Certificate programs in Business Analytics, Enterprise Resource Planning, and Information Systems $321.86/credit hour
Program Fee – PRIN Master of Science in Product Innovation $75.00
Program Fee – SCMT On-Campus Professional Master of Supply Chain Management $75.00/credit hour
Technology Fee EMBA $7.00/credit hour

College of Education and Health Professions

College Course(s) Amount
Adult and Lifelong Learning Seminar Fee ADLL 61703 $23.00/credit hour
Athletic Training Clinical Rotation Fee ATTR 52302, ATTR 52402, ATTR 52602, ATTR 52702 $11.25/course
Athletic Training Drug Test Fee ATTR 53104 $0.00/semester
Clinical Fee-DNP NURS 51172, NURS 53332, NURS 54534, NURS 54735, NURS 54935, NURS 56833, NURS 58834, NURS 62234, NURS 62434, NURS 6283V $145.00/credit hour
Communication Sciences and Disorders Clinical Fee CSDI 40003, CSDI 51803, CSDI 52833, CSDI 53803 $100.00/credit semester
Counseling Practicum Fee CNED 53403 $23.00/credit hour
Counseling Internship Fee CNED 5740V, CNED 6740V (section 1) $23.00/credit hour
Creative Arts Guest Artist Fee OCTH 55401 $50.00/credit hour
Curriculum Instruction Education Internship Fee CATE 40612, CATE 50106, CIED 10103, CIED 30103, CIED 30303, ‎CIED 30503, CIED 31003, CIED 31103, CIED 31203, CIED 31303, CIED 34503, CIED 41103, CIED 41503, ‎CIED 41703, CIED 41803, CIED 42805, CIED 43603, CIED 44203, CIED 45303, CIED 5080V, CIED 5280V, EDST 39103, EDST 39203, EDST 49303, SEED 32803, SPED 44103, SPED 44503, SPED 45308, SPED 45608, SPED 44703, SPED 44803, STEM 31403 $20.00/credit hour
Equipment & Supplies Fee – Outdoor Adventure Leadership RESM 50203 $75/credit hour
Fifth-year Internship Fee (M.A.T.) CIED 5080V, CIED 5280V, CATE 50106, SPED 5320V $250.00/semester
Internship for Communication Disorders CDIS 5663 $150.00/semester
Internship Fee – Health, Human Performance and Recreation EXSC 49003, PBHL 40403, RESM 3940V $5.00/semester
Internship Fee – Student Teaching Supervision PHED 40706 $5.00/semester
Internship Program in Education Leadership and Support for Leadership Seminars EDLE 5740V, EDLE 6740V $20.00/semester
Literacy Clinic
  • Beginning Assessment
CIED 51703 $20.00/course
  • Methodology Fee
CIED 50103, CIED 50703 $15.00/course
Nursing Advanced Skills Lab Fee NURS 54735 $130.00/semester
Off-Campus Internship: Clinical Site CDIS 5443 $150.00/semester
Off-Campus Practicum: Clinical Site CDIS 5663 $150.00/semester
Off-Campus Practicum: Public School Site CDIS 5443 $150.00/semester
Student Teaching Supervision PHED 40706 $5.00/semester

College of Engineering

College Course(s) Amount
Data Science Fee $37.43/credit hour
Distance Technology Fee $50.00/credit hour
Internship Fee-Cooperative Education GNEG 58001, GNEG 58101 $25.00/course